The sentinels were pacing, 4 of them draped in back cloaks, each with the power of a demi-god were walking up and down Dynamo's chambers they were restless just like their master was, they were watching the seats fill and receiving info of all the tickets being bought to this tournament. The numbers were off the charts, the tournament would not start for another hour but noise of the crowd would make you think the final battle was already underway. Dynamo finally gave his nod to lead sentinel who was clutching his sword tightly in anticipation. It was time to gather the combatants in the lobby, the sentinel was on his way without hesitation. The other 3 looked out the window to see 3 million in the seats around the massive stadium. Using portal magic the tournament would be broadcast to at least 14 million more and that was just in this realm. [hider=The Lead Sentinel] [img][/img] [/hider] The lobby was beautiful, it looked like a VIP palace for the gods. It was placed high above a tower that neighbored the coliseum with the lobby itself placed within perfect view of the large stadium along with the beautiful skies and mountains that surrounded it. The room was also fitted with a portal mirror which gave the lobby's guests a perfect view of any battle which was on at the time, [b]which is what the combatants will be using to see each other fight[/b] The room was filled with many fruits, wines, cakes, and roasts that would only be fit for a king, Dynamo was a greedy promoter but he treated his participants with luxury. [hider=Lobby (Scenic Angle)] [img][/img] [/hider] Like a crack of lighting all 8 were summoned to the lobby right in front of the buffet table, as always the sentinel began to speak. [i][color=bc8dbf]Welcome, challengers you have all been summoned here by Dynamo's grace. You have been selected by Dynamo himself for your impressive fighting abilities. Fight with honor and bravery and entertain our loyal crowd. Please enjoy the food and wine that has been provided by the [b]Battle City Council[/b] and take some time to relax here. In 30 mins the first round will begin, I'll let you know who will be facing each other very shortly. If you have any questions please direct them to me or any other of the Reugulators.......Good Luck.[/color][/i] All 8 combatants began to look around as the sentinel walked back towards the lobby entrance to stand guard. How will this chapter in the tale of tournaments play out?