Emperor scanned the area as he walked. He'd managed to work his way into an area with monsters that were a little high for his comfort, the wolf had been pretty tough and he figured there were probably worse monsters nearby too. He didn't wanna run into any of those! He took one of his health potions as he walked. Drat he was down to just two now, he certainly didn't want to bite off more than he could chew with only two health potions. As he gazed around he spotted something, a group of people, not too far off from where he currently was. The group appeared to be fighting off some bears, and doing pretty damn well at it too. [i]"Wait a sec!"[/i] he thought [i]"That's a lot of people, possibly a party... and I do need allies... if they're fighting bears then they gotta be capable!"[/i] He began to head towards them, sheathing his scimitar. He ventured close enough to see what was going on properly "Quite a colourful looking bunch..." he muttered as he watched. He wasn't sure if they'd be willing to let him tag along with them but it was worth a try, after all if he didn't ask anyone then he'd have to solo and that is certainly not Emperor's style.