Mr. Man enjoyed the courtesy the boy was showing now, but the request caught him off guard. [color=orange]"A spar? Like. . . A game. I'm not good at a lot of games. We could play tic-tac-toe,"[/color] Man thought, creating a pause in the conversation. He suddenly shrugged, and took out a folded, piece of paper from his back pocket. [b][color=gold]"I normally use this piece of paper to assign detentions, but we can use it for a. . . sparring match. A simple game of tic-tac-toe"[/color][/b] Man explained slowly. As he explained he drew a large pound symbol across the paper. [b][color=gold]"We will use simple rules. I will go first since I was challenged. If I lose, you go first for the next round. If I win, I go first for next round, and so on. If we tie, the person who went second in the tied round will go first in the next. We'll play a simple first to 3 wins."[/color][/b] Man said with authority. While he was speaking he made his first move. An x in the top right hand corner. With his demeanor, it seemed like the game wasn't going to be a trick. He seemed very genuine. [hider=Board] -|-|x ~~~ -|-|- ~~~ -|-|- [/hider]