Charles sat, arms folded, looking and feeling very annoyed at Matsushima. How dare she blackmail him. If he didn't care about not getting a criminal record, he would have just laughed and carried on with the graffiti project. But he couldn't get expelled. If he got expelled, his parents would move him to an even worse school. Then he'd have to start his whole empire back up again, and he wouldn't have been bothered to do that. So he was stuck here, listening to a rambling lunatic and being shouted at by pathetic idiots who didn't even know his name. Then Charles remembered his plan. [i]Steal the phone![/i] he thought to himself. He scouted up and down, checking tables, pockets that could be bulging and anything black and rectangular poking out. Then he heard that scar girl turn to him again. [i]Not this bullcrap again[/i] he thought with a noticeable wince. [b] "I don't need anything to cover up my scar. Why would I cover up something I'm proud of? Unlike you, I'm comfortable with my body. Your big mouth is obviously compensating for a small dick."[/b] Charles turned around immediately, his face filled with rage. [i]Nobody insults me like that![/i] he thought, his teeth bared with rage. Then he spoke. "Don't you get it, you pathetic waste of my time? I practically run this dump of a school. The rumors that spread, I pretty much proof read them all. The fights you hear about and sometimes see, I plan them. Being nice to me is pretty much the difference between popularity and being a complete reject. So if you think and you can come in here and insult me, then think again scarface. If you even think about replying with some 'witty' comment, you may find yourself with a few less friends, and maybe a few broken bones, you understand me? That goes for you too, lanky." Satisfied with his response, he sat back and began going around the room again. This time he would categorise them based on what he knew. [i]Hot but kind of stupid, how can you mistake music for ghost club? Scarred girl who is very much overstepping her boundaries. Weird boy girl lanky thing. Hot but too enthusiastic about the whole thing. Hot, sitting at the back quiet; don't know much. Hot but frantically typing - Wait, is she that Seiko girl?[/i] Charles's eyes widened. Oh, he had hard of Seiko. The self proclaimed journalist, and well known lesbian. Charles didn't read her blog, but he was pretty sure he had been featured more than once, from what he assumed. Matsushima was droning on again, but something caught his ears. [b]"The Halloween Extravaganza is where we will enter the school to non-violently observe and converse with said ghost"[/b] [i]Woah, that'll be a laugh[/i] Charles thought. [i]Interacting with nothing, but it'll be fun to see these occult weirdos getting obsessed over things that don't exist. How could I miss out on this opportunity.[/i] Charles listened to the rest and concluded that he would take a letter. His parents would sign it without question. [i]Plus, I'm probably being blackmailed into this thing as well. May as well be blackmailed into getting a good laugh![/i]. Charles chuckled at the prospect.