[hider=Lang Monyethabeng] [center] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wtzdPNQAl9w/VZ5Hg7We4gI/AAAAAAAHWwk/Hqugt91Tcig/w650-h366/morning%2Bred%2Bsky.gif[/img] [h3][i]"-And then he said, 'Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.' It was fucking awful. -"[/i] ~ Lang Monyethabeng.[/h3] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Lang Monyethabeng [b]Nick-Names:[/b] L, Money, Cash (From least common to most common). [b]Sex/ Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Cape Town, South Africa [b]Camp Cabin:[/b] Apollo, Cabin Ten [b]Appearance - 25 Years Old:[/b] [img]https://nypdecider.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/tumblr_m8jzpfeyvn1r364kco2_500.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Partner:[/b] See Relationship Status. [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Apollo. [b]Human Parent:[/b] Thula Monyethabeng, a South African model. [b]Siblings:[/b] Only half siblings. [b]Legacy:[/b] Hecate, goddess of witchcraft [s]and wizardry[/s]. [b]Pet/s:[/b] A Fennec Fox named Zuko. [b]Other:[/b] Erin Maria Chase (Acquaintance, Wednesday Adams), Claire Ari Bellerose (Acquaintance, She Sells Sea Shells?), Syleste Astrea Nioré (Acquaintance, Sweet Dreams), Arianna Louise Watson (Acquaintance, Alice Through the Shot Glass), Logan Murdock (Acquaintance, Firefly), Gideon James Carlyle (Acquaintance, Fight Club), Ky’ vie Morgan (Acquaintance, Macbook), Hawley Eames Griffin (Acquaintance, Flap Foot), Kiran Khanna (Half-Sister, Sishine), Jericho Brooks (Cousin, Moonbeam), Archer Trey Andrew (Acquaintance, AAA Battery), Colt Malow Winger (Acquaintance, Beautie), Tobias Casper Grímsdóttir (Acquaintance, Casper the Friendly Ghost), Aella Loraine Stedford (Acquaintance, Texas Raineger), Calista Celena Eden (Acquaintance, Lil’ Red Riding Flirt), Simon Klaus Riddle (Acquaintance/Uncle, Uncle S), Carmen Latham (Acquaintance, Flo), Virgil Ponce DeLeon (Acquaintance, Little Leon Man), Roy Montag, (Acquaintance, Jack Frost), Emerald Dosen Armstead (Crush, Fruit Loop), Adam Collins, (Acquaintance, In the Air). [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Lang is a rather gentle person, while he is massive, built like an oak tree he has a gentle hand and a way with animals. He is incredibly dexterous and finds passion in doing playing music successfully by ear (without any sheet music). Lang’s greatest strength, as far as his personality goes is his willingness to let things continue on their own path. He’s not the type of person to attempt to change someone if he doesn’t like where they are headed. Instead, he offers his help attempting to provide them with any guidance he can offer. His greatest weakness, however, is his temper. Though it does not rear it’s old head too often, he has been known to take things too far when he or someone he has come to care for is threatened. After all, he wouldn’t have even left Cape Town was it not for one indignant tourist who had though he had been ripped off. After that, Lang had no choice but to seek shelter in Camp-Half Blood. He also tends to give people nicknames, it makes it easier for him to remember names. Though it is somewhat offensive, Lang has always found the naming in North American to be incredibly confusing and pointless. One of his quirks would be that he sometimes has a very difficult time turning down adventure, he also feels weaker in general at night time. [b]Skills:[/b] • Shapeshifting: Lang's mother taught Lang the ability to shapeshift into the form of an animal. However, as Lang is not a son of Hecate, he has to use an alternative method of perfomring this skill. As a son of Apollo he has the ability of Biokinesis and is able to manipulate biology. He uses this ability in conjunction with the magic his mother taught him in order to change his form into an animal. However, this comes with limitations. Lang can only take the form of an animal he has observed over a large period of time, currently limiting him to animals indigenous to South Africa. The better Lang knows the animal in question the stronger his form is. Thusly his five strongest forms are the big five, the lion, elephant, cougar, rhinoceros and buffalo. He is also very good at shifting into a fennec fox, but that is just adorable, not deadly. • Archery: As a son of Apollo, Lang is incredibly gifted in archery. He is able to hit a moving target upwards of one hundred feet away with relative ease. He is also currently training himself in a close quarters combat that utilizes a bow and an arrow as a weapon, it's coming along rather well. • Virtuoso: Lang is an artist when it comes to the piano and the violin, able to pick up new songs upon hearing them, even innately possessing the ability to follow along with a song he has never heard. He can bring even the coldest of people to tears with his melodies. • Biokinesis: Lang isn't too powerful in this regard, however he has learned to use it in a way that allows him to shift into animals as stated above. • Photokinesis: As a son of Apollo, Lang can control light to a degree, making himself blindingly radiant or nearly invisible. While he finds it more difficult to control light from sources that are electric, he still has a finite amount of control with it. Lang can also utilize the sun's rays as a deadly attack blinding someone before sticking them with an arrow or four. [b]Biography:[/b] Living in Cape Town for most of his life, Lang found himself surrounded by a host of adventure. Growing up, he never really knew his father but his mother taught him of a world he would never have believed existed. He grew up learning how to speak Grecian and English instead of Afrikaans like most of his friends. He was taught how to shoot a bow and arrow, a skill he found himself as a natural in. He was classically trained to play the violin and the piano as well. All day every day, he worked day in and day out to progress his own physical build and his mental preparation, but he just didn’t know what for. As soon as he turned 16 years old, Lang started working as a tour guide for the Savannah. It was around this time that he caught his Fennec Fox, Zuko. It was just a little baby at the time, but he has cherished him as a friend and companion ever since, taking care of it like he was his little brother. But being a tour guide wasn't Lang's entire life. His father made a visit once every two months in order to help Lang with studying music. It was odd, most people wouldn't have been able to make any noticeable progress when working only once a month on something as complex as learning how to play an instrument. However, every lesson he had with his father he learned decades worth of music, techniques, and styles. By his third piano lesson Lang was able to play a song he knew without even looking at the keys. By his fourth, he could read a song as if it was in front of him just by hearing it. It was a nice party trick, not that he really had time for parties. Lang finally learned who his father was on his fifteenth birthday. It's odd being told you're the child of a god. You have to determine what your skills are and what was handed to you. Lang decided that music while being something he loved, wasn't something he earned. However, he and his mother began working on things that he could do, both because he was the son of Apollo [i]and[/i] because he worked hard at what he did. One of these examples was Lang's form of biokinesis which took the form of shapeshifting into animals. While he attempted to use animals that he had only seen through picture or mythological beasts he found himself overly tired and weak in those forms. It was only when he took the form of an animal he had come to know well, like a lion that he was able to utilize the form as a tool and a weapon. While he was somewhat able to harness the ability of photokinesis as well, it was extremely difficult until just recently to even shine light in someone's eyes. Lang was told that it was a very rare ability he possessed by his father, but he knew that he could go stronger yet. Through more hard work. But while he was tied down to a job as a tour guide, he couldn't commit to these training's. Lang grew to become quite popular with tourists as he seemed to perpetuate a sort of mythology about South Africa. He was large, built like a tank and carried a bow and a quiver full of arrow with hi while the tour took place. He knew all the animals that they’d typically see on a drive. Typically with tourists to make your best living, you had to show them the ‘big five’: The African Elephant, the Lion, the Cougar, the Rhinoceros and the Cape Buffalo. The lion was the real money shot though. Every once in a while, however, there would be unhappy customers. There was one in particular, which Lang would never forget for the rest of his life. He had booked a tour in the middle of a week-long storm. But Lang and his mother needed the money, so he decided to take the man and his brother out anyway. They saw perhaps a single Giraffe during the entire tour and the man asked for a refund. It wasn’t something Lang did, it wasn’t something he [i]could [/i] do and continue to live and remain comfortable. So he told the man it wasn’t going to be possible. At the time, one would’ve thought that the man had taken it well. However he whipped around and Lang met his fist, just as quickly his head kissed the ground beneath him, bouncing slightly before settling itself on the ground. But Lang had been punched before. He rose back up, only now noticing that he towered over the man, but there were two of them, his brother didn’t seem like a walk in the park either. The fight lasted longer than Lang would like to admit, upwards of five to ten minutes. Slipping in the mud and the blood that coated the ground, but by the end Lang had knocked both men out. It turns out there were a few people that run places like Cape Town, this was one of them. Lang’s mother wouldn’t hear a single excuse that night, he was on his way to Camp-Half Blood the next day. She was a demigod as well, she knew. [h3][i][b]~Weaponry Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Weapon/s:[/b] A Celestial Bronze bow gifted to him by his father, with celestial bronze arrows to match. [b]Weapon/s Name:[/b] Φωνή του Απόλλωνα (Apollo's Voice). [b]Weapon/s Type:[/b] Bow and Arrow [b]Attributes:[/b] Arrows that seem to radiate light beautifully. To the average human the bow looks like a pair of safety scissors and the quiver, a backpack. [hider=Weapon Appearance] [b]Weapon/s Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/7/70/CB_Bow_and_Arrow.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150330124912[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] Lang loves you (probably). [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Theme Song:[/b] "[url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBeu3FVi60]Daylight[/url]" by Matt & Kim. [/center][/hider]