[@WiseDragonGirl] Though, with widely different scenery. Haha. My takes. [hider=My thoughts on entires][hider=How to Ruin a Life]Aaaaah… Such a pure taking of the theme. Short, true to the point and beautifully delivered. Should it have been “I said it” on the second and third time too, or was “I said” really correct? Eh, doesn’t matter. Flawlessly done. The feelings were spot-on. My hat is off. Yeah, we needed one of these entries to take the common man’s approach. A way a completely normal person can just lose it, as well. And of course, the way this affects his life after. It is a lesson we’ve heard before, but still. It is really well done here. Yupp.[/hider] [hider=Spirits of Vietnam]Oh, my. Alright, then. Yupp. This is finely written, I see the points which it was written by, and I see what the result was. I have really few comments and/or observations about this entry, it’s quality that I’ve come to expect and respect. Well done. If there is anything I would like to comment on, it’s how little we know about our main character that makes this choice that, yeah, kills him. Has he no family or future back home that he has to weight justice against? I see why he did it, but… Nothing at all? Oh, it’s not important, really, but still. Oh, well.[/hider] [hider=The Visage of Conduct]Hey, I don’t know military ranks in real life, your comparison doesn’t help me. XD … Actually, maybe it does. Lower the higher? Sergeant->Lieutenant->Captain->Major->Colonel->General? That helps. Thanks. XD You know, the ranks in this entry made a whole lot of sense to me. There is Second and First Commander, Major Second and First Commander, then Grand Commander. Makes perfect sense. Much easier to keep track of than… *points to real-life equivalents*. Then again, one probably learns those easily enough if one actually has to in their day-to-day life. I know there’s a ton of more ranks, too. There’s probably a good reason for all those names I just don’t know of. Haha. I think I got side-tracked. Yupp. I clearly see the violation, the choice that was made, the consequences and all of that. Well done, I can think of no immediate anythings to correct except a single spelling error (can’t belief it), and the story makes sense and was an experience that kept me engaged reading through the entry. Good work.[/hider] [hider=Same Mistakes]Oh, wow. I am immediately reminded by Starship Troopers. With mechs, though. Starship Troopers combined with, um… Any other mech-thing. Maybe. XD … Let’s see. Oh, I approve so happily. I had completely forgotten that this theme could be used in a positive sense. Look, look at what all these series of negative themes and labours has done with my mind! XD … Yupp, I completely see where you’re going with this. I approve. Well done. I am so happy right now. Haha.[/hider] Now some self-inspection of my own product from when I was really tired. [hider=Apocalypse Maiden]I don’t [i]think[/i] it’s bad? Yeah, I noted several strangely formed sentences that reveal the sleepy state I was in when I wrote it and the fact I didn’t have much time to proof-read. But, all in all, I think it is alright. Decent. Eh. I’ll see what others think. It’s strange. When I was writing my entry for the first labour, I was thinking “I am making a way too long entry” while writing. Yet, this entry is almost 1.5 times longer, and I felt no such feeling. It felt like it was the length I intended it to get. Anyway. It’s a little experiment of mine, to see what people think. So. Now I wait.[/hider][/hider]