Summoned slightly away from the others Drallinix stood in silence. The lich had no need for food, drink, or even breath so as he was summoned he merely stood watching and waiting. His head turned to the side taking in each of the combatants as he saw them. The lich made no sounds as he watched the others go about their business. His massive sword the Lichblade hung from his back in a scabbard, yet even so the blade emanated a feeling of cold to all around it. Drallinix crossed his arms before himself watching the others his right hand coming to rest on his left elbow as his left hand rested upon his right ribs. As Drallinix watched one of the other men in the room referring to himself as Gonad spoke and began to make crude motions and actions. Even as a lich Drallinix was royalty and this show of rudeness in front of himself and the women present disgusted him. Clearing his throat Drallinix spoke for the first time. "Show some etiquette and stop acting like a beast, lest you be slain like one" Drallinix's voice rang out. It was a cold voice, barely more than a whisper yet deep and firm. As he spoke the very air around him seemed to become colder as his amethyst gaze focused upon the other man. After his sentence Drallinix would remain silent simply standing as he watched the others. He picked up a goblet of wine and slowly sipped it, the alcohol having no effect on him, he merely did so for appearances. After all if his opponents thought him nothing more than a man all the better for him. As Drallinix sipped his wine he waited for the fights to begin or for his fight to be announced, whichever came first.