[center][h1][b][i]~Logan Murdock~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/2334d21c14e617623f046b61a3783e06/tumblr_mjkisykgnZ1r9uoxko1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][i]~Cabin Hephaestus~[/i][/b][/h3][/center] Logan quirked his eyebrows up as Griffin passed off his contemplation as mere babe watching. While the Aphrodite girls were fun to look at, he hadn't considered such things for a long time. Today had been quite unexpected, from his arrival to the events of a couple hours ago. His head was still reeling from the shock of it all, but his gut told him that something was seriously off with the roguish son of Hermes. His face had the pale look of someone given terrible news and his usual jovial witticisms rang slightly hollow. "There's only been one daughter of the goddess of love that could capture my heart," Logan said honestly, drinking his beer to wash away the lump and to continue the conversation. "And frankly, I don't know you, Grif. Not a lick except for a brief meeting on the hill yonder." Logan gestured in the general direction of Half-blood hill offhandedly. An amused grin graced his face, but it quickly faded as the purposeful vague description was offered. He didn't speak until Griffin was finished with what he had to say, but gave another honest smile when he realized that the man was merely making a joke. It all seemed a diversion though. Watch these words, when the real meaning was in the slight hunch of the shoulders, the tightness of the brow. "A lost bird? Flaying? Weird beard? What are you going on about?" Logan's brow was furrowed in confusion, trying to make sense of the mysterious air Grif was putting on. The leather-clad demigod's look at the sky made Logan certain as to who was to blame for the problem at hand. "It's not a bother, Grif, honestly. You're one of the few people I know, being my first day. If you need help, ask! It can't be a coincidence that I came the same day you've seemed to land in a tough spot. The gods, Roman or Greek, always have a funny way with fate. I've come to accept it and something tells me you're going to need help." Logan grasped Grif's shoulder sincerely, trying to convey his support in whatever endeavor his new friend needed to take. He let go, standing up straight to take in the scene a bit better. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the mane of red that was Ky'vie, bustling about in her effort to be the perfect hostess. His gaze lingered for a few too many seconds, before he spoke his thoughts on Griffin's jest about flexing. "Ah, the ones that care about the muscles aren't worth the trouble, you should know that. Besides, I wouldn't want to be known as a showboat or a player by all these strangers, ya know what I mean?" He sloshed the liquid in his cup, noting that it was already only half full.