Imogen gave two sharp whistles, calling Brigid back to her, the falcon perching on her bag. She stared at the man for a moment, baffled. He seemed like he was clearly off his rocker. Was he the ship's current engineer? It would explain why she had been hired. She looked to the pressure release valve she had been about to inspect. The 'tssshhhher' as Rusttorch had referred to it. The valve was depressurized since the ship was idle and would be cool to the touch until the boiler had been running for a bit. She pulled herself to her feet and looked back to Rusttorch. [color=00CC00]"I, um, what?"[/color] She stuttered, taking a breath to sort her thoughts out. [color=00CC00]"Alright, mister, um, Rusttorch was it? First of all, the pressure release valve is fine to touch when the engine is idle. Second, why don't we take a step backward, alright? My name is Imogen Klein-Hollister. Captain Levi hired me as the Magnificent's engineer."[/color]