[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/LightTitle_zpsfzi74vcj.png[/img][/center] [i]In the Second Era of Ioeter, 437th year, the land was suddenly overran with the unnatural sight of the walking dead. They came out of graves, sewers, old battlegrounds, and ancient ruins as if beckoned to life once more - a magic that had been unheard of and only existed in theory until that very moment. Entire kingdoms were brought to their knees, villages razed to the ground, and families slaughtered without remorse. Normal men could only do so much against the unrelenting, never hungry, never tired, waves of skeletons and decomposing bodies, numbering far beyond any living army. Enter the Paladins. Warriors of all the good faiths, from men who devoted their life to their deity, to normal fighters given divine might as gifts of service - these were the weapons that allowed humanity to survive the darkest hours, blowing apart and draining the walking dead of whatever energy had given them life. They were the defenders and guardians of the living, but even in their numbers, they eventually learned it would never be enough to win the war. The land continued to darken and get colder, even in the far deserts to the south, as if the entire world was slowly being drained of life. The Paladins knew they could never be anymore than guards to humanity. Then rumors spread across the Paladin Enclaves that there was someone who could do [b]more[/b] than the Paladins, that they could cleanse the unnatural abominations completely - to purify them and return the dead to their rest. In the year 443, two Paladins were sent to a small kingdom, barely holding it's own on the outskirts of the onslaught to seek and to protect this [b]'purifier.'[/b][/i] [hr] So, there's the intro (and hopefully it was cool <3). This is a very unique idea of mine, partially due to the setting given above, but more so in it's theme. [b]It is an adventure and a romance and the idea was to essentially do a sort of 1x1x1[/b]. The Paladin Enclaves would've sent out two Sword Sisters to find the purifier - who is my character - and the idea is to try and end all of this once and for all, but also to developing a loving relationship between the three women at the same time. I understand this is a bit unorthodox as far as most interest checks go - asking for a three way romance - but it's something I really, honestly think would be a lot of fun to write and act out. Of course, I've omitted some lore and such because I didn't want to make this HUGE thing and then have no one come forward, but the above does give a good outline of the plot and setting. Some might ask if there's room for more than just the three women in this role-play... and I want to say maybe, but hesitatingly so, because that 4th or 5th character would have to be rather special to the setting and plot I think to be included. I'm not against it though.