[color=Aqua][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Arianna%20Louise%20Watson%20-%20Gif%2002_zps5jm6gg2q.gif[/img] [h1]Arianna Louise Watson[/h1] [h2]Hephaestus Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] Show up to the cabin before everyone; check. Interrupt sweet romantic moment between hostess and new guy; check. Assure them that she ain’t even there before closing the door and going off to set up her gear; check. Quick sweep to make sure all is good and working properly; check. Dishing out sweet tunes for people to party to; currently in progress. First track of the rank and already the area around her was filled with the demigods she had grown up being surrounded with- by the Gods this was going to be an amazing night. It was everything she loved; the people, the music, the dancing, the food… the alcohol..! Argh, how in the name of Hades could life ever get any better than it was right at this moment..? Lifting one of her hands up from the turn-style, she pressed her fingers firmly against the side of the headphone that actually covered her ear, listening for a few moments to the beat that she could hear pumping through them and into her ears before she dropped her hand back down, reaching out towards the laptop she had set up in front of her turntable; her fingers lightly brushing over the keys, quickly pulling something up and onto the screen, her hand splaying out to press a couple of the keys at once causing a second melody to mix with the first, a satisfied smile crossing over her features as she reached up to take a hold of the neck of her beer bottle, lifting it up to her lips so that she could take a deep swig of the contents. [i]This[/i] was what she lived for… [i]This[/i] was what gave her fucked up life any sort of purpose- living her life to the fullest every single day that she was able to wake and greet the dawn. Letting her gaze drift out to the crowd in front of her, she let her light blue-grey eyes scan over the familiar faces- she’d never been able to understand their way of thinking… Seriously, so what was the point in just sitting back watching life pass you by, when you could be out enjoying everything that the wonders of the world had to offer you- it was truly ridiculous just how content some people could be… Honestly; how in the hell could people live like that and still be happy with how boring things were going..? Seemingly way too focused in on her music and the guests dancing around her both inside and outside the cabin, she hadn’t even noticed the familiar Apollo girl as she made her way over and up onto the small platform to stand right beside her, the feeling of something being shoved into her hand causing her to almost choke on her beer; coughing a couple of times as she tried to right herself, she glanced down at her hand where she could see a bottle of pills being shoved towards her with what she assumed was a firm warning about not having come by to grab it- since when was she still popping pills? Or was that just some weird dream she’d had the night before… Damn; maybe she needed another drink… or two. Shaking her quickly from side to side in an attempt to rid her brain of the thoughts that were running through it at what felt like a million miles per hour, she leant her body over and closer to the girls as she snatched up the pill bottle, holding it up to her eyes to check that it was at least half-full before she nodded her head, slipping it into the pocket of her shorts for use at a later time… maybe a later date, who knew; before her hand returned back to the turntable, her movements causing the [url= http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1371781126526998.jpg]light and bright outfit[/url] she had chosen to wear to constantly move about as she spoke, “Sweet..! Thanks sundrop- you know I had like the sickest dream about you. You were like-… I don’t remember; but I know you would totally love it..! Oh shit…” Lifting up the now empty bottle of beer that she was holding in her other hand so that it was directly in front of her eyes, she narrowed them in both confusion and curiosity, as though she wasn’t sure what had happened to the alcohol inside- when in the world had she finished her beer..? Catching the slight beat change signalling the beginning of the end of the song that was blaring through the camp, she immediately turned her attention back down to her equipment, her arm crossing over and behind her head so that she was shoving the empty bottle in Kiran’s general direction, “Babe; sweetie- oh my darlin’… you know I love ya right? Think you could be a doll and grab me another..? Promise I’ll make it up to ya..!” Not even bothering to wait for an answer from the girl, she shot her head up in audible surprise before she dropped the empty bottle completely from her grip, her body twisting around completely until she was facing the daughter of Apollo, the cord of her headphones wrapping around her neck as she pulled what looked like [url= http://cdn.coolmompicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/CL-hat-bunny-2011-600x584_zps50759a5d.jpg]a hat[/url] from her back pocket, her arms reaching out to pull it down over Kiran’s head, “Ah, that’s it..! Much better..!” [/color]