[center][b]Name:[/b] Foreas (both plural and singular) [b]Average lifespan:[/b] Most Foreas get killed before the hundred years mark, but the few that are smart and quick enough to survive, have been known to date as far back as the first generation of Foreas, hundreds of years ago. [b]Brief description:[/b] A photosynthesizing species of humanoid plants, the Foreas are blind, seeing only because of their heightened sense of hearing. Because they do not need to eat to survie, they never developed mouths, which led to them never being able to biologically speak. Therefore, to make communication easy with other species, they've invented Speech Artifacts which allow verbal communication through selective thoughts. A Foreas barely ever wears clothes (And when they do, it resembles armour more often than not), as their natural tough bark-like skin protects them well enough from the elements. Also the fact that they have no genitalia is another reason to not fear being naked. Instead of hair they've got foliage. They lack any facial feature with the exception of two slits for nostrils. [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1169656-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] (Remember, no facial features] [img]http://oi46.tinypic.com/14c89wz.jpg[/img] The Foreas live to bring memories and experiences back to what they call The Great Tree, an immense tree located deep inside the Caves of Origin, which is believed to be the tree from which the first Foreas emerged. This Tree functions like a vault of the collective memory of the species, adding to its limitless banks every time a Foreas connects with its vines. Every Foreas can access the memories at free will and experience them first hand. [b]Location:[/b] Forests of Symphony [b]Strengths: [/b] - Photosynthesis: They don't need to eat. Just inhale CO2, go for a swim and get a tan and they're good to go. - Echo-Location: Mist, total darkness and all other vision-impairing phenomenoms have no effect on them, as they rely on their hearing to see forms and shapes. - Vault of Collective Memories: Free to access it at any time, as long as they're in physical contact with the Great Tree, they fix most of their present problems by searching through old solutions to similar problems. - Heightened sense of smell: Without their Speech Artifacts, Foreas communicate with each other via diminute changes in their natural scent. This heightened sense also aids in helping them in navigating through their environment. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - No eyes, No vision: They can't see colours, can't see faces or eyes. Even with their senses of smell and hearing, they have a hard time getting around in plains, where scents are wide-spread and sound only returns vibrations from the ground. - No voice: Without their artifacts, effective communication with other species becomes near impossible. - Silence is scary: especially when it's an uninvited silence, as it means they have nearly no feedback from the environment, and can't see anything. Otherwise, in meditation, silence can be refreshing. - Cold Burns: Wood gets dry in winter. Wood burns easier when dry. Never get close to a mad pyromancer while it's winter. [b]Mage blood rate:[/b] 0%. The only Foreas individuals with mageblood have obtained it with the help of different Gods and Goddesses. It doesn't occur naturally in the Foreas population. [b]Other:[/b] - Each Foreas adopts their own particular scent in their early weeks, either knowingly or unknowingly. Some smeel like Chocolate, others like leaves, others like human. - When a Foreas female plants a seed, it grows into a small tree which eventually grows a pod-like structure on one of its branches. When old enough, the pod opens and drops a fully sentient and aware Foreas out into the world. These Foreas are the same in height as a ten year old human child, and take twenty years give or take two years to grow to their full height (5'7-6'2). - At the age of 100 years, each Foreas must bring an exceptional experience back to the Great Tree. Most get killed in the search for this exceptional experience/memory. [/center]