Just as Evelyn turned to check outside she managed to hear the few words Madelyn struggled to say. [color=fff79a][b]"Don't thank me yet, we're still in danger here. Rest while you can, as soon as the rest of our party returns we ride for Thanermere"[/b][/color], a worried look came upon Evelyn's face as she spoke of their plan. She remembered what had occurred in the battle but as to what that created that ball of light and the subsequent screams was unknown to her. Even if she gave a detailed report of what she saw there was still a significant unknown. [color=fff79a][i]"One thing at a time, Eve"[/i][/color], she told herself as she checked on the still unconscious prisoner. The tapping of Lloyd's staff alerted her to his presence though at this point she was more focused on getting her people moving than to socialize, [color=fff79a][b]"I'd be much better once we arrive at Thanermere. My men have gone to acquire mounts for us, see stablenaster Garvy for yours. Hopefully we don't run off with all the horses in this villiage.[/b][/color] It seemed that many survived the battle as another knight entered the tavern. Evelyn had almost mistaken Argus for Glodin had she not noticed the runes on his hammer. [color=fff79a][b]"Speak to the stablemaster, Garvy. Once you have a mount return here"[/b][/color], Evelyn had to skip pleasantries as they were being pressed for time. It was then that she remembered that Madelyn was still recovering from her injuries, turning to the berserker she asked, [color=fff79a][b]"We will be leaving soon, I hate to ask but are you fit to ride?"[/b][/color]. Even if she couldn't this was not a major issue as she could simply ride with someone. Once again another Templar entered, the necromancer entered with an aura of youth about her which eased Evelyn of some of her stress but not much. [color=fff79a][b]"Good your back, it appears we have a few more joining us to Thanermere. Point them to the stablemaster then head to the town square. We've one last item of business to take care off"[/b][/color], this was not pleasant work but Evelyn swore to Cadeneire that justice would be done this night. [color=fff79a][b]"Kaathe, I need you to carry the prisoner to the town square"[/b][/color], Evelyn said before turning to Cythlla once more, [color=fff79a][b]"Before you go, have you seen the supply group? If you run into them on the way relay them the directions"[/b][/color]. The party was just about ready to go, all that remained was to pack the supplies and deal with the prisoner and the knights would be on their way to Thanermere. Evelyn put back on her helmet before turning to Madelyn, holding out her hand she asked, [color=fff79a][b]"Can you walk?"[/b][/color].