[quote]The bartender smiled. "Certainly. Take a look in the back and see what I got on offer."[/quote] The siblings noted that the bartender was now addressing some newcomers who had also given the password in their sentences. Deciding that they weren't going to be given time to "decide" at the bar, they went into the back room with the other individuals. Inside, the siblings still had their hoods on. Perhaps suspicious to any who saw them enter from the bar but it seemed the bartender didn't mind. Still, the other individuals they saw at the bar didn't look like spies of any sort but they knew better. Both of them had their hands inside their brown cloaks...ready to draw their swords. They lightened up though when they saw some of the others. One of which with the "animal" with him they heard stories about. Others through heresay and stories from travelers they sometimes happen across at times. The siblings didn't take their seats though. Standing near the doorway just in case. But it was the man both knew about as Edward Bastillon. Much like the Twilights, the Bastillon were "said or rumored" to have been a family or house to serviced under one of the three flags back in it's day. Perhaps they were even rivals or enemies of the Twilights but they wouldn't know. That history was lost even to them. But much like the Twilights, both heard that they were wiped out by Kaaos himself supposedly. But just like them, it seemed one or perhaps more had survived such carnage. Seeing that this man was no threat, both siblings moved their hands away from the hilt of their swords under their brown cloaks. Then both of their hands came up to push their hoodies back to reveal long black hair on both. They weren't talkative...but during everyone's questioning, both gave a respectful bow of their heads and held it there till Bastillon acknowledged them.