Emilian exercised his nasty habit of appearing fromnowhere, and seem to just 'be' at the door all of a sudden with a skateboard under one arm and ready to go. he was all set, he had everything he needed for months worth of gaming... that is to say, his back-pack, looking suspiciously similar to a certain square shaped robot, but more importantly it's contents, his laptop, loaded to the brim with upgrades and games and stored data and... stuff... He was all grins and laughter in anticipation of the coming months... however, Hearing that Mario impersonation caused him to 'deadpan' very heavily before groaning out "No offense bro, but you over did it... Even mario doesn't use 'that many' 'A's' in his speech, and I think you put a few in the wrong places... OH hey, beer!" All at once he went from deadpan and disturbed, to cheery and sprinting across the room, around other friends, to get his hands on a can. "Ain't nothing quite like gaming drunk!" A few moments later he was splayed out side-ways across a chair, backpack on the floor, laptop in his lap warming up already, wireless mouse in one hand and beer in the other... in barely a minute the sounds of explosions and noisy machine fighting could be heard from the speakers. __________________ Kenneth on the other hand had taken his time getting there, actually arriving just as Alexis announced her arrival dramatically, little headphones planted firmly in his ears and hooked to something else deep in his jacket, cranked up enough that he totally missed the 'mario greeting'... The headphones played out a familiar tune everyone must have heard at least once even in passing, sounding quite like Michael jackson's 'beat it', though the voices singing the music sounded much different than the original. Of course, once he was in the door a hand shot into his jacket to roll the sound down to a level he'd be able to listen but still hear everyone else... otherwise his greeting was more of a smile and a nod before making a beeline for the snack pile and retrieving a bag of Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream... sure, he liked doritoes too, but that particular flavor could be called something of a guilty pleasure of his... Shortly after he snacked on a few and retrieved a root bear for himself he suddenly commented on Alexis' entry "Personally, Alexis, I think your entry would've been a lot more exciting if you went with the cliche, and dive kicked through the door while screaming 'DYNAMIC ENTRY!', Hahahah." and a few moments later he had himself seated laid out on the floor near the TV, an NDS being played with one hand while the other handled his drink.