Hotaru sighed, not really seeming to like the idea of staying so close to where all that had happened, the image- however false- was being played on repeat in her mind and she had no doubt Sybil was responsible for that. But she didn't want to seem emotionally weak or mentally so, so she just nodded, "Fine. Easiest solution," she murmured and started walking back towards the village. At least they'd be out of the field. Mera watched her go before looking towards Alari and Larel, "You guys go on ahead and get the rooms and whatnot," she said, giving a wave of her hand, "I need a few minutes to myself, a little more natural r&r," she said before turning and starting towards the treeline. Sleep wasn't easy to come by lately, even staying in inns and having the reprieve of enemies most nights. Her own mind was filled to the brim, questions of her actions- was she getting played the fool again? Should she find a way back in to solitude before she had to witness something happen to these idiots she'd gotten attached to? Could she even do such a thing?- and questions of her emotions and whether she should trust them or not, especially with the weird things that she'd seen and definitely didn't understand about Alari. She wanted to understand them and he offered some answers, but she still felt so lost and only more so with every piece of the puzzle. It was turning out to much larger of a puzzle than she had anticipated. And now this whole bit with Murio and how Mary was so clearly heartbroken at the loss. She'd never seen such a look on her sisters face and she wished she could have prevented it. Mera let out a sigh as she reached the trees, stepping to the inside of them so unless they had followed her, they would see her slump against it and slide to the ground, putting her hands to her face. This was a much bigger mess than she'd intended to get in to. Hotaru was battling similar problems, though any clarity she could find would just get ruined by Sybil which was just irritating her further. She wondered, though, if Larel would share with her what all Murio had told him before playing his nasty little trick. Did he get clarification on what Mera and Hotaru had witnessed in the hotel- something Alari had clearly not wanted them to witness. But there was that whole if it was said then Zenmaru could use it, or what was the whole rule situation on that? She'd remember if Sybil wasn't questioning something about if the people in the village remembered what happened or if they all just passed out midstep... what troubled her was she found she had asked it outloud and she stopped in her tracks, frowning. Had that always happened or was it just because she was freaking out? She shook her head before looking back to see where everyone was going- having heard Mera saying she was going to the woods. SHe had seen Larel looking queasy, so she wanted to offer making some soup or something for dinner or buying him some, whichever his preference. [i]Of course it's his preference. You have a thing for him don't you?[/i] "Do you mind?" Hotaru gave an angry sigh at that, rubbing her temples.