[center][h1]Shadar[/h1][/center] "Calm down, whelp," Shadar spoke without looking up at Cyril, continuing to work on his sketch as he spoke, easily sensing the young man's apprehension. Unlike Drosil, who couldn't give a damn about politics half the time, Shadar was able to recognize the name of the Barcean prince, and that meant the blind girl must be his sister as well. [i]Interesting companions you've saddled me with, Drosil[/i] Shadar gave a sigh as he mutter to himself, wondering whether not he should tell the man the trying circumstances of his birth, which would be required to answer his question, or should he be a vague bastard. "You're answer is as good as mine, but all you need to know is that he's safe and he'll be back by morning at the latest. Happy, your highness?" Vague bastard it was, with a tone of condescending ass sprinkled on as well. He might've said more, that familiar tinge of jealousy making it's way into his heart when he talks to people of high standing, living th high life while he was forced into the form of a monster, when the strange pale girl's action took his attention. He saw her approach Sir Mauls, once again making that strange lyrical humming sound, and gave a whistle of his own in impressed amazement as the beast seemed to visible calm down, accepting her touch with a clattering chatter, obviously pleased by her presence. [i]Well then, that's new. She should be missing a hand right now, but instead it looks like she could have Sir Mauls eating out of the palm of her hand. Interesting company indeed.[/i] Shadar, inspired by the action, soon began to sketch out the scene on a new page of his notebook, seeming to be done speaking with those around him at the moment. He hadn't missed the woman's reaction upon seeing Cyril, having sensed the swirl of emotions coming off her, but decided to just tuck that information away for later. He could question the woman on her connection with the royal family later, right now he had to focus on shading. Shading was always such a bitch to do, especially with his malformed hands.