[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Gideon_zpstykb8ph0.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Archer_zpsoeodhonl.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Aella_zpsdu5ct4lo.gif[/img] [h1][color=FireBrick]Gideon James Carlyle[/color], [color=DarkOliveGreen]Archer Trey Andrew[/color] and [color=OrangeRed]Aella Lorraine Stedford[/color][/h1] [h2]Ares Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] Resting a hand on his abdomen as he made his way down to the Ares Cabin, Archer cringed slightly as he walked over rocks and small hills. Maybe Gideon hadn't bruised his ribs... maybe he had broken them. That would definitely be bad, especially for Archer's training. He needed to be able to train for the days to come. He knew a capture the flag game was coming up soon and he wanted to be able to play and win, especially since the Ares kids and Athena kids were always on the same team, and he wanted to show up Gideon this time. Walking to the stone steps, he walked up to the door of the large cabin and paused in front of it. Curling his middle finger and thumb in toward each other, he placed it toward the outside of his mouth. Bending his tongue back behind his teeth, he whistled, the sound reverberating through the house. He and Gideon used this whistle all the time on the battle field, and many people have begun to figure out who it is. It is still an effective tool to figure out where the other is, however. Gideon turned away from Aella with a smile and just before he responded, he heard the whistle echo. He shook his head and laughed out loud. Archer's voice called from outside, "Get your ass out here, you jerk!" Gideon shook his head again. Archer's insult game was weak. He and Gideon would have to work on that in the future, especially if he wanted to be taken seriously. Turning back to Aella, he said, "You might as well come and meet him. That's Archer Andrews, my best friend." He waved at her to follow before taking off outside, not checking to see if she would come. He pushed open the door, nearly hitting Archer in the face, before saying, "Where the hell have you been?!" "The infirmary, you moron," Archer said, cringing as he had to jump back out of the way. "I'm pretty sure you broke my...who's that?" Completely forgetting what he was saying when he saw Aella, Archer raised an eyebrow. "You got a new sibling, mate?" He smiled at Gideon, shoving him to the side as he walked up to Aella. Being a polite gentlemen, he bowed to the pretty lady before holding out his hand and saying, "Hello! My name is Archer Andrews, but most people call me Archer or AA. And you are...?" Maybe living in this camp wasn’t going to be as bad as she thought; Gideon was certainly proving everything she thought she knew about the Greeks to be wrong, or at least misled… maybe it wasn’t the end of the world like most of the other Romans she knew would believe it to be. Quirking her brow in curiosity as the sound of another man’s voice filled the air around them in the cabin, she turned her head around so that she was looking over the door of her room for a few moments before she let them come to a rest on her brother’s figure, listening silently to his explanation and invitation to meet the person whom the voice belonged to before finally, he left the room and in turn, left her standing alone once more. This was something that she needed to get used to; once more being the new girl in the camp. It happened only once before… and that was a long time ago. Waiting a few moments more before she turned around so that she was looking at herself in the mirror, she tilted her head to the side, her eyes narrowing and her lips turning down in a small frown as she examined what it was that she was wearing- the short blue denim shorts were perfectly fine, the boots… she could live with them, she’d change them later on; but the top, she wasn’t sure of, at least not at this point in time anyway. Crossing her arms over her body once more she pulled the top she hadn’t just long put on back off before she threw it over to lay on the bed, her body hunching back over her bag as she fumbled around for a bit, her hands lifting a few other things up in front of her so that she could look them over before making a choice; the girl quickly [url= http://40.media.tumblr.com/6dc44c561714488d69d7b97da8c0957f/tumblr_mynllgNSB81rcrc2qo7_1280.jpg]changing into an outfit[/url] she felt was more comfortable before she turned and followed the path that Gideon had taken only moments beforehand. Slowing down her step as she drew closer to where she could hear their voices more prominently, she came to a stop by the door, her dark eyes flicking back and forth between the two boys before she finally settled on the figure of the one that she didn’t know, a small though rather amused smile playing over her lips as she watched him finally take notice of her before he bowed and introduced himself before Gideon ever had the chance; not bothering to give her brother so much as even a glance, she lifted her hand up from where it had it resting by her side so that she could take a hold of his, shaking it lightly as she continued to hold his gaze, “Aella Stedford; daughter of Mars… It’s a pleasure to meet you, Archer. I can tell you that I am most definitely looking forward to getting to know you better.” Eyes wide, Archer could only stare. He wasn't even looking at her face. He was mainly staring toward her midriff and exposed skin on her stomach and chest. "Damn, how the hell are you not on fire from your hotness," he muttered under his breath, letting out a long, low whistle. Gideon raised his eyebrows at him and shoved his dumb ass of a best friend. "Dude, that's my sister," he said. "Control yourself at least a little bit." Archer cleared his throat, the shove knocking him out of the trance that Aella had on him. He smiled sheepishly at Gideon and rubbed the back of his neck with a self-conscious air. This time when he looked toward her, he stared off over her left shoulder, looking into the house, because he knew that if he looked at her, his gaze might wander. He didn't want anymore broken ribs than he already had. Gideon snorted and looked at Aella. "You really want to make a first impression, don't you?" he said with a light laugh. He turned his head toward the oncoming music and saw that the barbecue had already started. He then remembered what Ky'vie said to him about the broken weapons. Smacking his forehead, he groaned. "Ugh, I completely forgot." He turned his eyes to the two standing near him. Archer wasn't even looking in Aella's direction anymore. He was staring at the ground. Rolling his eyes at the doof, he looked at Aella and said, "Will you two mind helping me carry some broken weapons down to the barbecue? Ky said that she would fix some up for me and I completely forgot she told me to bring them to the barbecue until now." "Sure," Archer muttered. He walked up to Aella, meeting her eyes briefly, before sliding passed her into the cabin. He gritted his teeth and shook his head. What was it with demi-god girls? He always had to be friends with the hot ones, didn't he... Shaking his head, he continued to the back room, heading toward Gideon's room. Gideon watched him go before looking at Aella. "Sorry 'bout this. It would be a big help though. I kind of broke... a lot... of weapons." He laughed with embarrassment. “Well now; aren’t we straightforward… I like that in a man. Especially one who’s as good looking as you are, sweetheart.” Lifting her hand up to partly cover her mouth as a gentle chuckle fell through her soft pink lips to fill the area around them, she let her dark eyes slowly glide down his figure before once more working their way back up; the young daughter of Mars ignoring her brother as he chastised and warned his best friend against the path that he was clearly thinking about walking. He was a cute one; that was for sure. Flustered at the very sight of her, though unlike a few others she had met in the past, he had still been able to string together a legible sentence… it was impressive to say the least. Taking a single step to the side to make room for him as he moved past both Gideon and herself, she fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments, listening to her brother explaining just why it was that he needed their help before finally, she nodded her head in understanding; her mind however, clearly stuck on other matters that needed her thought and attention. She should probably tell them… or at least, she should probably tell her new brother. It wasn’t as though it was this big deal or anything like that; but it was something that affected her, and in turn would explain a few things about her that she was sure they were going to see sooner or later. “If we’re going to a party; I need to change my shoes. These boots only work if I plan on wearing jeans and my Stetson. Once I’ve done that, I’ll be more than happy to help carry them… though Gideon, there is something about me you should know first.” Frowning slightly as she slowly began to follow the path that Archer had taken, she slipped both her hands down and into the back pockets of her denim shorts as she thought of the best way to say it- be blunt, or break it gently? Argh, why were Grecian’s so hard to talk to at times..? Shoving the stray thought out of her mind, she sighed softly, her head shaking lightly from side to side as she continued to make her way down the hall. “I’m a legacy- I’m not too sure if it’s a common thing here for you Greeks, so it might not surprise you; however, people who find out after a while about mine say it explains a lot about me. I’m a legacy of the Lady Venus.” Walking with Aella back toward the room, he listened to her with a small smile on his face at her reaction to Archer. He hadn't been expecting that out of her, that was for sure. Though she did seem like that type of girl at times... He nodded when she said she needed to change her shoes, curious to why she couldn't just wear the shoes that she was wearing. Girls were so strange at times, always thinking vainly. And then she said [i]that.[/i] A loud clatter went through out the house and Gideon turned to see Archer, who was standing near the door when she said it, dropped all of the weapons and weapon pieces he had in his hands. Gideon raised an eyebrow and he knew immediately, from Archer's paled complexion and worried look on his face that they were thinking about the exact same thing. Both only knew too well that Colt was a child of Venus. At first meeting, neither of the boys could tell that she would be a legacy of Venus, but now that she told them, they began comparing her to Colt. "Huh," Gideon said curiously, eyeing his new sister up and down. Archer was now crouching down to pick up the pieces of weaponry and Gideon immediately walked over to help him. He murmured as quietly as he could, "Did you expect that?" "Not even close," Archer muttered back, not looking at the War God's son. The weapons kept slipping out of his hands however and he threw his hands up in frustration. "Damn, why'd you have to go and break half the weaponry in the camp?!" Glancing around Gideon's room, Archer spotted his bed sheets and stood up. He walked over to them and, with a quick flick of his wrist, pulled them off the bed. He held them up to his face and said, "You didn't like these very much did you?" Gideon jumped to his feet and grabbed the sheets from him. "We are not using my sheets to carry dirty, broken weapons down to Ky." Gideon rolled his eyes as he threw the sheets back into a clump on the bed. "Just grab a handful. Stuff some down your pants if you have to. You do that with-- hey!" Gideon rubbed his arm remorsefully as Archer punched him as hard as he could before Gideon could continue. Rolling his eyes, Gideon picked up some of the weapons. "You mind grabbing something?" It was clear as day what was going on… and this was why, nine times out of ten, she avoided voicing her legacy out loud to others around her; it only ever caused them to look at her in quite a negative light. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen it coming; but now that she was standing in front of his bedroom door witnessing their reactions firsthand… well it didn’t exactly give her much confidence when it came to not being judged by the Grecian’s. She hadn’t even been there a few hours and already her brother, and the only other person she saw potential in becoming friends with were too focused on her legacy rather than on her as an actual person… yeah, she was a flirt; but it wasn’t all there was to her. Nolan had been able to see that- why couldn’t anyone else..? Closing her eyes for a few moments of silence as she pursed her lips together in slight frustration at her own stupidity for trusting the Greeks- it was the number one rule in Camp Jupiter, and she had just gone out of her way to throw it out the window with thoughts that maybe… [i]just maybe[/i] she wouldn’t have to worry about people thinking ill of her because of something she couldn’t help, “..got it… can’t believe that I was so stupid- [i]never[/i] trust a Grecian. By the Gods, dad would be furious with me.” It wasn’t as though she was lying- Mars would be furious with her for showing a moment of weakness, even towards someone who was classed as family. Her superiors back at camp would lecture her on her mistake; the rest of her cohort would worry about her actions, maybe even go as far as to state that she was going soft in her resolve. Shaking her head lightly from side to side, she turned on her heel so that her back was facing them both before she crossed over the hallway and into her bedroom; the sound of fumbling, thumps and metal scraping filling the room and floating out into the hallway as she searched for the heels she was looking for. “You know… I was under the impression that I wouldn’t have to prove myself to you damn Greeks; but it seems as though I have no other choice.” Pausing every couple of steps so that she could slip her heels onto her feet as she made her way back into the hall, she narrowed her dark eyes in their direction, her chin motioning over to the weapons scattered about the floor though slight annoyance still poisoned her voice as she spoke, “I’ll help you carry the weapons to this thing; after that, I’m gone. My legacy is obviously going to be an issue here; I won’t bother you while I'm here, and you won’t bother me. Sound good boys?” Both boys stared at Aella overreaction and both looked at each other. Both, just the same, immediately began talking at the exact same time. "Your legacy isn't going to bother us! It was just surprising..." Archer's voice rang out in the cabin, trying to prove that he didn't care about her legacy. "It was just a little surprising and the only person we know from Venus is that douche bag Colt," Gideon said, his louder voice cutting over the top of Archer's. He managed to silence Archer with a single glare and Archer began picking up the weapons once again. "Your legacy won't be an issue as long as you don't turn out like Colt. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm all out happy to find out my new sister is a legacy to Venus, but I can live with it. Don't drive me out just because you judge us before you get to know us." Gideon's voice was slightly harder than it had been before as he lifted up an arm full of weapons and dumped them in the arms of Aella. "Gideon..." Archer cautioned, as he noticed that Gideon paused for a minute to stare at his new sister. "Another thing..." Gideon said, completely ignoring his friend. "You show weakness now, by believing that all Grecian's are weak, liars, ignorant... Your weakness is in your mind, not your strength, and you need to fortify both if you want to get through this camp." Gideon turned away from her. "You don't want to talk to me? Fine. But I will keep talking to you until you trust us." To say that she was slightly taken back by the response of both the boys would have been an understatement. Her brother’s voice louder and drowning out Archer’s before he had the chance to finish his sentence; though his words more than made up for the fact that he was chastising her for her sudden jump to conclusions. Colt was here..? It had been around a year since she had last seen him face to face- the last she knew he had left Jupiter in search of his friend; how it escaped her attention that his friend was a demigod at Camp Half-Blood was beyond her. Bending her knees slightly at the sudden added weight of the weapons upon her body, she slipped one of her arms out from where she had it supporting the rather large pile, her hand coming up so that her palm was facing Gideon in an attempt to cut his little rant short as she turned her dark eyes down to Archer; a questioning glint flashing across her eyes as she took a couple of steps towards him, “Wait- you know Colt..? He’s really here..?” Gideon, slightly offended at the cut off, was about to retort when Archer cut him off again quickly, "Yeah, he is. He's kind of a douche bag... How do you know him?" Archer looked at her curiously before realizing the stupidity of his own question. "Right... Camp Jupiter." He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "Tell you what. You help us get the weapons up there; I'll take you to Colt. He's probably flirting with Arianna at the moment anyways..." He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Deal?" “Yeah; he can be a bit of a prick, I’ll give ya that one…” She couldn’t help the bright smile that crossed over her features at the thought that she was able to catch up with her friend- so maybe the move from one camp to the other wasn’t a total loss; she was still able to see Logan, and now she was able to hang around with Colt. Oh how the Gods seemed to work in strange and sometimes annoying ways… Shaking her head quickly from side to side as Archer began to try and reel her into a deal that was certainly far undervalued on one side, she closed the gap between the both of them, her hand coming up to press softly against the center of his chest as her eyes searched his for a few moments; practically demanding his attention, “No… if you take me to him; I will not only help you carry these weapons to where you need them to go, but I will also do my best to not judge anyone you introduce me to [i]and[/i] I give you my word that I’ll do everything in my power to be a good girl, and good sister.” Straightening her back up as she took a couple of steps back, she turned her head so that her attention turned up and her eyes met with that of Gideon’s, an apologetic expression crossing over her features as her smile softened slightly, “I really am sorry; it’s going to take me a while to adjust… to all of this... but let me make it up to you. Partying is my thing; so let’s all go and have fun- I’ll buy the beers..?”