[center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/ZVTCtEqiccHQs/200.gif[/img] [color=#FCB514][h2]~ Camp Half-Blood ~ Hephaestus Cabin ~[/h2][/color][/center] Lang forced himself up a towering hill he didn’t really know what to expect when he arrived at the top. Pumping music and a big crowd was not one of them. It was like some kind of mixture of edm and pop music. He found himself letting out a hearty chuckle, starting down the hill. He wasn’t really sure of what to expect from Camp Half-Blood, the only other demigod he had ever met was his mother and the only ability she ever showcased was shapeshifting. It left who he would meet and what kind of abilities they would possess largely up to his imagination. He imagined that he would mostly be meeting warriors, bred for victory. But he was just happy he had remembered to pack his violin. He imagined that he wouldn’t fit in too well, but that was what he had Zuko for. The Fennec Fox was currently crawling around the back of his jacket, sometimes poking out in and around his shoulder and falling into his sleeve. The little moron loved climbing around Lang’s jacket whenever he could. The man walked towards the camp that seemed more like a club than anything else. He made his way inside the entranceway and couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, but it was in a good way. It wasn’t like someone was following him, but it was more like someone was looking after him, almost an assurance of that fact. It was nice, sort of like how Lang felt like in direct sunlight. He couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable as the sun was beginning to set. It was like saying goodbye to the majority of his power and welcoming his Aunt into the sky. Uncomfortable was definitely the right word. He walked through the camp, glancing down to his crudely drawn instructions. He managed to find the cabins one marked with a sun. “Well alright then.” Lang said snatching Zuko out of his jacket and placing him on his shoulder. The fox chirped and nuzzled itself against Lang’s stubbly cheek. Lang opened the door without knocking, but found it empty. [color=#FCB514]“Ah, cheers.”[/color] Lang said looking around the empty cabin. It featured a grand piano and some nice decorations. There was a room that stated: [i]‘New guy.’[/i] On the door. [color=#FCB514]“Oh, well fair enough then.”[/color] Lang said walking into the door. He put his bag down and Zuko climbed off of him and onto the bed. Lang set his bag down and decided that he’d make his way to the party he witness earlier. He put his arm towards his bed and Zuko climbed into his sleeve scurrying his way up to his shoulder. Lang left the cabin and made his way to the party. He quickly spotted a table with varying degrees of alcohol on it and Lang quickly descended upon it. He picked himself up a whiskey glass and sat it down beside the gin. Pouring one third of it and setting it back down. He then scanned the table briefly for a moment snatching up a bottle of ginger-ale. He poured it into his glass, swishing it around before taking a sip. He made a satisfied grin and slowly looked around the party, it seemed as if there were definitely some characters around here. But he spotted a piano and immediately sauntered over towards it. Taking a swig of his drink he placed the glass on the body of the piano and closed his eyes. Focusing in on the beat, melody and the tempo of the music and let his hands free. He synched up almost immediately, playing along with the song humming along with it, his voice like a rich scotch. Zuko perched himself atop his shoulder coiling his tail around his arm. His voice providing a deep tenor to the soprano of the singing in the song.