Here comes the NPCs. [hr] [hider=Ashav, Redguard Camp Leader] A short but tough as nail Redguard, somewhere in his late-forties, with countless scars everywhere. His voice is jagged and guttural; according to himself, his vocal cords were ravaged by a disease he contracted from a rare mountain creature. If you were recruited out of Markarth, this was the man you met. He is bald, partially shaven and known for his dirty bandana. In combat, Ashav wears a steel chest plate, steel helmet and leather for the rest. In his youth, the man would have been a fierce sight with his greatsword, he still has that same weapon, but both he and his blade have aged. Ashav is a bold commander, doing things others consider reckless. He is controversial amongst peers, superiors and inferiors. There were those who question his decision of putting mission ahead of lives, but others say he has proven results and casualties are simply inevitable. Nevertheless, his twenty-some years as freelance warrior carried him far and wide. From his home in Rihad to the streets of Cheydinhal, from the pines of Northpoint to the swamps of Stormhold; Ashav might be a grim looking man, but spend a night around the campfire and you'll hear many adventures. He is also the only one knowing full extent of their contract. Besides the Dragonborn's government, someone else is also funding this sellsword group. Before coming to Markarth, Ashav had ran into Sadann and his family's forge. In fact, his greatsword was one the last things crafted by Sadann's father. [/hider] [hider=Dumhuvud Cat-Kicker, Nordic Battlemaster] It didn't take more than a week for this thirty-five year old Nordic man to be universally hated. Seemingly average looking with red facepaint always shown in battle, this axe fighter holds his own in battle. But off battle, he has an incredibly unwelcoming personality. Most people would probably start with his name. According to himself, he once killed a Khajiit bandit by kicking its guts out. The more observant would then ask, "what type of Khajiit?" Ashav always shook his head, his reply was not much, "doesn't matter, none of them are any good". The Khajiits themselves claimed he killed an Alfiq. According to Ashav, Dumhuvud started in the Imperial Legion. Halfway through the civil war, when the fourth legion gradually fell to the Stormcloaks, Dumhuvud and a band of fellow Nordic legionaries switched sides. His Stormcloak service records were unremarkable, an average soldier with not much understanding in tactics. What Ashav saw in Dumhuvud, nobody was certain. His official role as battlemaster consisted of organizing formations and ensure morale stays up. Much of his duties overlap and was overtaken by Ashav. Though there was one thing he did very well; keeping everyone's opinions united against him. It didn't really come as much surprise, seeing that he was xenophobic especially against elves and beast races, and omniphobic to everyone else. After defecting to the Stormcloaks, Dumhuvud remember seeing Jorwen and Sevine for their distinctive appearances. However, he fought in a different unit then the two. Another notable encounter was throwing a tomato at a terrible sounding bard; al-Caylick. Wait, or was it Ab'Corlig? It was probably something like aep Caileach. [/hider] [hider=Edith Bright-Wings, Nordic Quartermaster] Hailing from Falkreath, Edith was rather young, at the age of twenty-eight. She is a smith, but also dabbles in woodworking and tailoring. Between the grim faced Ashav and the disagreeable Dumhuvud, Edith is well-liked. Slightly taller than an average Nordic woman, and blessed with long blonde hair that was often tied in knotted braids. Even though she stays behind and tinker with equipment most of the time, she is also skilled with the shield and fights on the frontline when needed. Edith is cousin to Svari Ice-Heart, a woman rumored to be the leader of a growing rebellion. In her youth, they would play with wooden swords and dream about joining the legendary Companions. Svari, who was older by two years, grew up first and grew out of her fantasy. Edith, on the other hand, never stopped pursuing her dreams. But when she finally trained well enough, the Companions rejected her. She forged and fought well with a shield, but blades and mead were not as favorable. In the same week, she met another former Companion, who was expelled due to orthodox actions. That man was Ashav. Edith was not much older than Sevine, the two of them known each other in their younger days in Falkreath. She also met a band of hunters, one of them was a feminine looking and slightly green Imperial man. Her days at the Bannered Mare made her familiar with a bard from Cyrodiil. [/hider] [hider=Daelin, Bosmer Lead Scout] A Bosmer, but native to Skyrim. Before signing up with Ashav, Daelin was part of the Forenya Bosmeri, a Wood Elf clan settled in southern Rift several decades ago. This clan of Bosmers initially fled north from Thalmor, who were exercising eminent domain on their Valenwood homes. That's what Daelin said anyways, and he's got a unique bone-crafted bow to back it up. From Ashav's words, he met Daelin a bit after encountering Dumhuvud and Edith. It was a moment in Riften's marketplace, where Daelin pick-pocketed Ashav but immediately knocked himself out against a light pole. As the lead scout, Dealin often operates with four other runners. In this week, he was busier than everyone else. The Bosmer archer rarely had time to sleep, and compensated by chewing on traditional energy mixtures. He would lead at least two patrols each day, some times up to four. Even when he returned to his tent, Dealin would still keep himself occupied with reports, maps and letters. As a result, people other than his favored scouts rarely saw or heard from him. Those rare glances would be shown with short brown mohawk, and surprising muscular build for a sharpshooter. Still, living to sixty years, even with the earlier ones isolated in his clan, Daelin had met a lot of people. Two decades ago, he saw a rather aggressive Imperial boy in a Riften carpentry shop. Few weeks ago, he swore he saw a Redguard mage straight from the pages of Synod's posters. [/hider] [hider=Madura Dalas, Dunmer Journalist] Madura is a curious one, a Dunmer not of steel and blood, but of ink and papers. He did not come to the Reach to fight, and probably never had the intention to. Maduras works for the Tamrielic Gazette as an embedded reporter. His career started as a delivery boy in Cheydinhal, handing out papers for the first thirty years of his life. Then, he finally became recognized enough to be a full-on writer. He spent the next twenty years critiquing art and literature, which included a famous re-examination of [i]The Lusty Argonian Maid[/i]. Since the dragons' return in 201, Maduras moved to Skyrim and had been documenting various conflicts ever since. Madura is often found in his personal tent, which is said to be enchanted against rainfall. He wears a woodsman's outfit and an awkward iron helmet sits atop of his unkempt black hair. Despite how out of place he seems, Madura never missed the opportunity of interviewing mercenaries. His questions everyone regarding their motives, their tactics and how they lived beforehand. He never met anyone from the camp before. But during his time here, he got to know fellow Dark Elves, Sadri and Relmyna, well. [/hider] [hr] Also posted to characters.