[quote=@Kingfisher] Avast! Here be me character. [hider=The Con Woman] [center] [h1] [color=00aeef][i][b]L[/b]a[b]u[/b]r[b]a[/b] K[b]a[/b]e[b]l[/b]i[b]n[/b][/i] [/color][/h1] [img] http://cdn-static.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/misfits_abbey.jpg?itok=BZTRRTGS [/img] [i]Quite the hothead, pride would have to be Laura’s greatest downfall. She’s quick though! And more cunning than an especially cunning Fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at the Grissom Academy. [/i] [b]Name:[/b] Laura Kaelin [h2][color=00aeef] [i]T[b]h[/b]e [b]C[/b]o[b]n[/b] W[b]o[/b]m[b]a[/b]n[/i][/color] [/h2] [b][u]Civilian Information[/u][/b] [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5’4 [b]Weight:[/b] Mind your own [i]damn[/i] business! [b]Class:[/b] Infiltrator [b] Biotic potency:[/b] Nah, mate. [u][b]Military Background[/b][/u] [b]Years Spent in Active Combat:[/b] 17 [b] Armaments:[/b] M-29 Incisor, Monomolecular ninjato [b] Armor:[/b] Stealth Suit [b]Advance Specializations:[/b] N7 Shadow Infiltrator [b] Skillset:[/b] Smooth Talker- Expert -Laura has the silvertongue needed to charm her way out of almost any situation, or close almost any deal. Her cool, calculating mind and quicks witts have saved her hide more times than she can count on two hands. Infiltrator- Skilled- Laura spent nearly two decades in active combat, and a good portion of that time was as a special forces Infiltrator. She’s a master of her class, and has all of the talents that one would expect her to have acquired on all those years of service. Agility- Skilled- Whilst her time on Omega have softened her form and dulled her reflexes a little, Laura still possesses a nimble build, and impressive reflexes. Hacking- Skilled- Post digital age, a good knowledge of computers is vital if you want to be a successful criminal, and Laura has all that and then some. Not, like, a lot of some, but a fairly decent amount. Pretty somey. Is that a word? I dunno. She’s good with computers, is what I’m trying to say...well, type. [b]Favored Powers:[/b] Shadow Strike- Laura’s N7 equipment gives her the ability to cloak herself, allowing her to sneak up on her opponents and unleash a deadly volley of vicious sword attacks. [u][b]Psychological Analysis[/b][/u] [b] Traits: [/b] Trait 1: Cunning- Have I mentioned that, yet? She’s sly, witty, and more devious than a Vorcha. Laura’s crafty nature is her greatest weapon (High-powered sniper rifle notwithstanding). Trait 2: Dapper as all hell- It might sound like a dos, but Laura knows how to make herself presentable, and takes great pride in her appearance. Her clean, silky exterior makes her seem all that much more elegant and trustworthy, which couldn’t be any further from the truth if it had been shot from the main gun of an Everest Class Dreadnaught and fired halfway across the known universe. Trait 3: Winning Smile- The charm! The charm! She’s not just well dressed, she can also shoot the kind of sultry looks that’ll not only melt a fella’s heart, but also all the surrounding tissue and organs, as well. [b] Flaws:[/b] Flaw 1: Hothead- Arrogant, stubborn, prideful; however you want to word it, Laura is a cocky woman, who doesn't take crap from anyone! Unless they have a gun to her head. Then she’d consider -MAYBE- taking crap from them. Flaw 2: Over confident- Laura has a lot of faith in both herself and her very particular set of skills, which is great for saving money on motivational posters, but not so good when she thinks she can out headbut a Krogan Battlemaster everytime she drinks a little too much Batarian Shard Wine. Flaw 3: Over-thinker -Laura can quite literally think herself into a bad mood, and is awful at pulling herself out of them. She’ll sit on her arse for hours on end, contemplating her place in the universe, and ultimately just end up upsetting herself even more in the long run. [b]Psych Profile:[/b] One smooth criminal. She can walk the walk, talk the talk, and hack all the right bank accounts. Money is her biggest motivator, and she’s a sucker for shiny things. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born on Earth, Laura’s childhood was one dominated by shady figures and petty gang crime. Pain and poverty were all around her 24/7, and she soon learned to desensitise herself to the suffering of others. Laura’s parents abandoned her at birth, and she was practically raised by her older brother, who also happened to be a local gang leader, because what an interesting and melodramatic twist of events that is. The young woman joined the military at 18, shedding the shackles of her chequered past, and rising up the ranks as an Infiltrator. Spending the next 17 years in active military service, until the then 35 year old got the transmission saying that her brother had met his end at the hands of a rival gang. Deserting and sneaking back to Earth, Laura spent the next few years tracking down and picking off the men and women responsible for taking her brother away from her (All Archangel-like), until she began to draw the gaze of all the wrong people. Needing to get off of the Terran Underworld’s radar, Laura fled to Omega to lay low, where she set herself up as a con-artist, using a combination of the skills that her brother had imparted onto her ,and those which she had learnt herself, to get by. [u][b]Denouement[/b][/u] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] Cash, Money, Credits. [b]Significant Relations:[/b] Jared Kaelin- Deceased older brother, from whom Laura got a lot of her smooth charm. [b]Opinions on Others: [/b] [b]Awesome Theme Song:[/b] Busy Earnin’- Jungle: [url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MsP-87pACY [/url] [b] Other:[/b] Wears cool space hats. Notice how I put ‘[i]space[/i]’ on the end, because Mass Effect has a science fiction setting. Go me. [/center] [/hider] [/quote] YAAAAARR! I approve, matey! Now go swab the poop deck, crewman!