[color=DarkCyan][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Erin%20Marie%20Chase%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsb9nelzvr.gif[/img] [h1]Erin Marie Chase[/h1] [h2]Party At Hephaestus Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] As far as days went here in this stupid camp; this was by far one that made her rethink just why it was that she had gotten up at all that morning. Dealing with the drunken director… getting into it with her new cousin… playing the perfect hostess to the unexpected guests that seemed insistent on showing up at her cabin- she needed a drink. No, she needed more than a single drink; she needed about five… or ten. Whatever it was that was going to help her forget about any mention of her past before it even had a chance to truly fester within her mind; and by the looks, and smell of the party, alcohol was definitely gathered in large abundance. Letting her hand slip away from Jericho’s as the both of them grew ever closer together to the party which seemed to be in full swing at this stage, she brought it up before she slid her fingers back and through her long chocolate brown locks, ruffling them lightly before her arm dropped back down to her side; swinging lightly and matching the purposeful swaying of her hips, both moving in time with each and every single step that she took towards the crowd spread out in front of her. It worked just like clockwork- the very moment that they noticed her coming, the crowd began to shuffle about and press closer together, all of them doing what they could to clear even the smallest of paths for the daughter of Hades; most of the demigods in front of her knowing from either personal experience, or through mouth of word that she wasn’t one that they wanted to cross. Clenching her jaw ever so slightly as her figure slipped into the crowd and out of sight of Jericho’s sight completely, she turned her head and allowed her dark eyes to gaze over those around her until they fell on something that she had been looking for- a drink. One that was newly filled, and had yet to touch the lips of the demigod who was holding it. Not bothering to speak a single word to those who were around her, she reached out and took a hold of the full and rather large red cup, pulling it into her body so that she could gaze at the contents before she lifted it up, throwing as much of it down at once as the protests of one of the sons of Hermes faded into the background- quickly lost as she continued on her way, her attention turning to linger on the Cabin as it came into her sight. Familiar faces everywhere. Arianna at the turntable with her tunes, Ky’ vie milling about socializing with her guests, Logan and Griffin hanging back by the open door. Lifting her stolen drink up once more, she drained the rest of it before shoving it into the chest of the closest person, her expression fed up and annoyed as she quickly made her way up the porch steps and past the two guys as they spoke to one another; the sound of Griffin’s voice explaining and asking the new camper for help on what sounded very much like a quest causing her to pause, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she glanced back over her shoulder at the both of them, her dark eyes meeting with Grif’s gaze for only a brief moment before she turned her back to him once again, her attention instead falling on a figure that she didn’t recognize sitting contently by the piano. Quirking her eyebrow in slight curiosity as to how many new people there was actually supposed to be during the extremely… informative tour that she had given that day, she confidently made her way over to where he sat, her eyes narrowing for a brief second as she caught sight of the fox curled up lightly on his shoulder as she slowed to a stop beside him, her hand reaching out to pick up the drink that she assumed belonged to him; being sure to take a sip before she leant up against the side of the piano, looking him over slowly before finally, she spoke, “You’re new. And apparently the man to speak to about getting a drink around this dump. Nice taste in alcohol, mind if I finish it off? I’ll play the good girl and buy the next round.” [/color]