[@AgentFallenSoul][@Savato] Apocalypse considered the offer. After a moment of uncharacteristic contemplation, the creature raised it's hand from the glass. It had inherited great strength from Doomsday, but he had also retained some of Batman's cunning. Although, admittedly, not much. He could tell, however, that brute force would not allow him to live through the day. Whereas he severely doubted the Ethereal's ability to keep him in stasis indefinitely, he knew that eventually they would find a way to kill even him. Permanently. It didn't hurt, of course, that they tempted him with an entire multiverse filled with powerful foes. He knew they possessed the power to move him from reality to reality, to find and ravage not just entire worlds, but entire universes. To fight the most powerful beings in this reality, and to mount his crown upon a pile of corpses. [color=ed1c24]"Fight fire with fire? I will join you, on a single condition."[/color] Apocalypse looked around the ship, his advanced senses picking up a surprising amount of detail about the ship and it's capabilities. He could sense the future approaching, his time of ascension drawing ever closer. [color=ed1c24]"Return me to the world where you found me. There are several beings there I must defeat. I'm sure there's someone there you need dead. How better to kill a monster than with another, bigger, stronger monster?[/color]