[center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/11300d9edbe3aab0b54a03e4c0503c37/tumblr_mkmz9zr2Lm1qhpoofo1_500.gif[/img] [color=#FCB514][h2]~ Hephaestus Cabin ~[/h2][/color][/center] Lang let his fingers glide from note to note, coming out less as single entities and more full sentences of song. He allowed himself to quiet down, pressing each key with less force and performing a natural denouement so that he could take a sip of his drink. His hand met another’s half way to the glass however, a somewhat pale, delicate hand, yet one that had seen much. He turned to meet the stranger and was delighted to see be greeted by two hazel eyes, keenly examining him. [color=#FCB514]“It’s yours.”[/color] Lang responded allowing her to take the drink. She took a small sip, leaning on the piano and complimented his taste in drinks. [color=#FCB514]“Well, how can I turn you down with a promise like that?”[/color] Lang said chuckling gazing into the girl’s eyes. They were somewhat mesmerizing, pulling you in. Lang raised himself up scratching at his rough beard and realizing that he dwarfed the girl somewhat. He turned back to Zuko and quietly whispered [color=#FCB514]“hold down the fort, buddy.”[/color] He placed a gentle hand on her lower back and lead her towards the area in which he had found his drink. He did not push or even direct her, he simply guided her towards where he was going. It wasn’t aggressive, but it demonstrated a confidence in himself that he had in spades. [color=#FCB514]“Let me teach you one of the most valuable skills one can learn in this world.”[/color] Lang said leaning over the alcohol and deftly grabbing a few glasses. [color=#FCB514]“One might assume that it’s best to put less alcohol in any given glass, keeps you somewhat sober and keeps the taste fresh.”[/color] Lang began, glancing around the table before snatching up a life he found. Twisting it in his hands powerfully, yet slowly and carefully he managed to split the fruit in two, draining the juices into the glass. [color=#FCB514]“But in reality, you want to play the rule of thirds. As long as the glass is only a third filled with alcohol I can guarantee you your drink will be pleasant.”[/color] He said, pouring the bottle of Gin into the glass followed by the bottle of ginger ale. He slid that one towards the girl he was with before making himself a second one. [color=#FCB514]“Now that you know how to make my favourite drink, I’ll hold you to that drink you promised me.”[/color] Lang winked and grinned.