After nodding her reply back to Vis, Sapphira turned and marched back towards her cart being calmness personified. [color=00aeef]"Sapphira."[/color], she called back. [color=00aeef]"Gonna go back to look after my wares. I'll be right back in just a few minutes."[/color] And right as she said so, she caught up with the rest of the group, now, though in her 'out-of-combat personality which was a lot more upbeat and cuter than her stoic, cold and cool combat one was. Nevertheless it seemed strange that Matsuta's death didn't seem to affect her the slightest although he had been the first player she had made contact with since the "catastrophe". [color=00aeef]"I bet I can get a good profit out of all this!"[/color], she cried out excitedly as she had added a few raw materials she had found during the short trip.