This RP is about two characters who do not get along well but have no other option but to travel together. -A soldier, more exactly a deserter, who escaped from "the Holy War" not because he was afaird of death, he did not belive in god and therefore fighting that war was meaningless. Now called a traitor and heretic he hides from both the church and army. -A beautiful and devoted nun, unluckily for her she found one of the most important secrets of the Church, a secret that would destroy it if made public. The church has sent meny mercenaries to kill her but somehow managed to meet the soldier, who defended her from one of the mercenaries. It would take place in a medieval era, it may in Europe or a fantasy continent based in Europa, the characters will travel around the continent in a wagon, unluckily for them more and more countries are taking part in the Holy war so things will be difficult.