"Hey, wait up a sec!" Mai'lo stopped as a new voice intruded on his awareness and he realized that he'd been walking on autopilot. Luckily the group appeared to have kept pace and the gates of their destination city lay just ahead down a short hill and across a field. Turning he saw the new player running up to them and vaguely remembered seeing the guy as they were wrapping up their earlier battle. In his grief he had completely forgotten to talk to the man though. "Sorry," he said as the kid came to a stop next to him. "I remember seeing you at the battle but I forgot to introduce us." He continued walking and introduced the rest of the group. "This guy's new to us too," he added with a gesture to Visionary. "As far as I'm concerned you're both welcome to travel with us, but I think it's a group decision. Why don't we get inside somewhere safer than standing out here and we can all talk it over?"