[center][h1][b][i]~Logan Murdock~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/2334d21c14e617623f046b61a3783e06/tumblr_mjkisykgnZ1r9uoxko1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][i]~Cabin Hephaestus, front of Cabin Hades~[/i][/b][/h3][/center] Logan downed the rest of his beer and crushed the cup in his fist before throwing it into one of the many trashcans newly set around the area of the party. This kind of atmosphere was [i]too[/i] new to the Roman and he simply couldn't get into the energetic atmosphere, not with so many weighty things on his mind. Ky'vie and his guilt were paramount, but now it seemed his newly acquired friend Grif was in a spot of trouble as well! A dove of all things... Logan pondered what a bird might have to do with the gods, but the symbols of the gods came to mind. Who had a dove as theirs.. or hers? It clicked when he thought of Venus, but more accurately, Aphrodite. And there was only one Greek god that loved to flay, wasn't there? Swallowing, Logan knew that his mind was set. He'd be up with the dawn, ready for a long trek and a perilous fight. His blood sang with the promise of adventure, the first time for many months. How good this feeling was! Logan had sorely missed it. And what had Grif meant when he said good luck? Logan knew the wily son of Hermes had caught him staring at Ky'vie, but was there a history that she too hid? He hoped that she would be able to get past whatever heart breaks she had been subject to, just as he wished the same for himself. The girl had made him so confused in such a short amount of time it was dizzying. He could only guess at what could follow. Going down the few steps, he caught sight of Erin, haughtily pulling along a silver-haired man behind her. Backtracking their course, he caught sight of a red-headed girl, who seemed to be covering her face and her body racked by involuntary convulsions; sobs. His nostrils flaring, Logan's natural chivalry kicked into action, wanting to help this girl find peace. With purposeful strides, he stalked across the grass. He sidestepped the stragglers, just making it to the party. Finally, he broke free of the flowing mob and came out to an empty expanse between he and the crying girl. What had made her so upset and on a night of a party, no less? He slowed as he caught up to the fleeing girl, clearing his throat and calling out to get her attention. "Excuse me! Excuse me, miss, what's wrong?" Logan wished to help in any way he could. Other than being a good Samaritan, the son of Jupiter was a sucker for a damsel in distress. He shrugged off the uncomfortable notion that he may be growing an unhealthy hero complex, chalking it up to good will. He was only a few strides away from her now and his much longer legs were quickly eating up the distance. [hr][hr] [center][color=004b80][h1][b][i]~Jericho Brooks~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu288/wittywolf35/guy3-1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=004b80][center][h3][b][i]~The Partay~[/i][/b][/h3][/center][/color] Jericho may have lost sight of Erin, but he wouldn't lose track of her scent. She always smelled the same, a sort of lavender fragrance. He easily sidestepped a couple of vengeful ex's with a quick spin and a duck behind another camper, only to come face to face with a flirtatious smile and a low cut top. The latter always held him up for a few seconds, but soon Erin came into focus through the crowd. She seemed to have struck up conversation with a large man that seemed at ease around her, which was indeed a first. While he would have welcomed Erin to let her freak flag fly, he had his idea for who she would end up with and he wasn't about to let this newcomer ruin his well laid plans! With a charming smile and a sincere regret that he couldn't stay to dance with the attractive demigoddess that had previously taken his attention, he made his way to the drink stand. Grabbing a cup without looking, a graceful move as his arm snaked between jostling campers, Jericho made his way over to where Erin seemed to actually take a shining to someone. He was fearful of the amount of drinks she'd already imbibed or that she'd finally gone off the deep end. Taking as little time as he could, he mixed himself a potent drink of rum and coke and drank half of it quickly. He smacked his lips as the invigorating beverage went down the hatch! [i]"Come on Jericho, this is not the time to be indulging... My word, this is good rum- No! No, game face, man!"[/i] he silently berated himself. He closed the little distance, noting the the smell of the alcohol before he'd even drawn up to the other side of the mixing table. Gin! How Jericho despised that dry liquor, though he was told it was an acquired taste. Leave him with his tasty Jamaican rum, thank you. "Erin! You should know better than to be able to lose me," Jericho taunted as he made himself known. Cocking his head to the side, with a bemused half-smile and a raised eyebrow, he offered his right hand to the demigod that he didn't recognize. "Hey man, Jericho! Haven't seen you around here, though I have been gone for a good while. Are you fresh off the Roman boat as well?"