[i]"Peace, good men. In the name in Pelor Light Bringer, Dol Arrah Keeper of Honor and Tyr Guardian of Justice, please heed my words. We mean you all no harm."[/i] Although the troupe of guards had lowered their weapons they remained on the alert, eyes narrowed at this most motley group of travelers. In any town the ragged bunch would have been a strange sight, here in the Morgues though their presence could only mean further trouble. As Alexia spoke the last of her words the group at large commenced a low chuckling, each guardsman in turn nudging the other as they partook of their dark humor. [b]"You'd best take your faith elsewhere Paladin, the gods have long since forsaken these lands."[/b] The head guardsman spoke again. As he uttered his warning his head canted, gaze shifting towards the professed 'hunter', Oster. [b]"As for you, only the foolhardy or the suicidal seek out vampires through intention. Still, if you're set on your own doom then you might seek out Father Galliard in the chapel. He always has a use for. . . eager souls."[/b] This last bit earned some final chuckling from the other guardsman. As the conversation drew to a conclusion the high-hung bell of the chapel resounded once again, its dull clacking almost too great for the ears to bear. As the bell rang the guardsman's expressions changed, turning in an instant from amusement to horror. [b]"S-Seek out the chapel and beware the city at night. You've been warned!"[/b] Wasting no further time the guards pulled away, vanishing into the rising mist of darkened city. Although it had previously been only mid-afternoon the sun seemed to set quickly within the confines of the Morgues and already the night clouds had filled the sky, obscuring one's vision and leaving the streets shaded. The party's only light came from the enchanted lampposts which lined the road, half of which had long since ceased to function. Their path to the chapel was clear now, to their right the road rose along the steady incline of a dreary hill which itself was capped by the monumental building. To their left, the opposite. The road made a number of shaky jerks, twisting this way and that until at last it gave way in the distance to what appeared to be some kind of river harbor and the accompanying boathouse. [center][img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/stf/uytsdrtyuhijkishfjskdnmfd.jpg[/img] [i][b]"The light of the gods fades in this distant place."[/b][/i] [b]+[/b][@Rogue Colm][b]+[/b] [b]Cecelia[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (Perception Check)[/color] [b]+[/b][@Prince Potter][b]+[/b] [b]Walter O'Dim[/b] [color=ed1c24]Turn not taken[/color] [b]+[/b][@Shadolord][b]+[/b] [b]Bryn Amakiir[/b] [color=ed1c24]Turn not taken[/color] [b]+[/b][@Theorist][b]+[/b] [b]Oster Trevayne[/b] [color=ed1c24]Turn not taken[/color] [b]+[/b][@daltar][b]+[/b] [b]Alexia Sindarin Calbridge[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (Move to the Church)[/color] [/center]