Dynamo was stirring in his chair, half a pint of blood just sprayed across the window of his viewing room. It was the preliminary 'warm up' matches, a warhammer wielding chaos dwarf had just busted open the head of a fire mage. He was cheering and chanting unholy verses of rune magic to curse the soul of the man he just killed. The crowd were entertained but were just even now even more excited for the first match of tournament. He summoned one of his sentinels to pass on a message: start the first round. Dynamo approached the microphone outside his viewing room and addressed the screaming crowd. The arena staff were cleaning up the body parts from the last few warm up fights, their thirst for blood wasn't even close to being satisfied. Dynamo needed to give the people what they wanted.... [i][b]My friends from around the world! I bring you drama of the realms, the excitement of the realms, the honor of the realms, the ultimate expression of life and death in front of your very eyes....I give you BATTLE CITY[/b][/i] The crowd roared as Dynamo fed them the lines they had heard the last 11 years but he knew how to sell a fight, it was his business and he was the very best. [b][i]Nowww, I give you are first match, which will take place on our very own home coliseum! No tricks or special conditions. Just a good old fashioned fight till incapacitated or death! I summon the first two combatants for you [color=ed1c24] Nicoli D'Angelo VS Sirena Imogen[/color]! [/i][/b] As soon as the lead sentinel heard the announcement, he approached the fighters and summoned two portals in the middle of the lobby, one was for Sirena and the other for Nicoli, the moment they stepped into them they would be warped to the coliseum grounds 40 feet away from each other and the battle would begin immediately. The other 6 will be able to watch the entire thing as the battle unfolds. The sentinel snapped his fingers loudly. [i]Let's not keep the crowd waiting, enter the portals please.[/i] [hider=1st Round theme!] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BESFsb47AyY[/youtube] [/hider]