[color=darkred]'Ah, Omega... this place is hell. Don't know why I stayed...'[/color] Sicari Velinian stepped off the shuttle that had brought her to the heart of the Terminus Systems for probably the hundredth time, and none too soon. A Krogan that had been giving her a lusty look for the last few days on the transport got off after her, and promptly slid up behind the girl. [color=orange]"Hey, lunch meat,"[/color] The beast began, seductively scratching his ass. [color=orange]"How 'bout you 'n me head up to Afterlife 'n get a drink?"[/color] The younger Turian pulled the Krogan into an alley with a surprising, wiry strength, and lightly touched her fist to the lizard's gut. [color=darkred]"Think that second set of kidneys can handle cyanide?"[/color] The unnamed Krogan shook his head, mostly out of confusion, causing the younger girl to back off and leave the alley. And such was Omega, where one could threaten a Krogan and get away with it. Sicari, however, was here for business. She made her way up into Aftterlife, flashing a laminated pass to the bouncer and heading through the large door that marked the entrance to the club. She stopped in the entryway as her omni-tool pulsed, informing her of unread messages. She opened her inbox, then hesitated. Opening this email meant that she would have to follow through with the contract she'd found, and it was the very definition of high risk, high reward. After a solid minute of internal debate, she opened the document. [color=darkred]'He wants me and a small task force to... wait, assassinate a Blood Pack official? Suns better be ready for the shitstorm coming after this...'[/color] She closed the omni-tool and went into Afterlife proper, and quickly claimed a booth far enough away from the nearest dancer to actually keep everyone focused on the task at hand. She had no idea who would show up, but she had a feeling that they were going to be at least semi-capable.