Tar typed away, using all six fingers to tap each button in the correct arrangement. He was housed up in a tiny little room off one of the corridors that led to the club Afterlife. The Vorcha didn't give him too much of a hard time when he passed through, especially when he was being escorted by his drones. Though they were parasites, they knew that he must have been a dangerous Volus to have survived in omega for more than a day, being, you know, a Volus. His type weren't really suited for such a harsh condition, but his armor sometimes served him well. Suddenly, his actions were stopped. A glowing light from his wrist told him that a new, particularly interesting Omni-tool document involving a Blood Pack official. He calculated the outcomes of the death of a Blood Pack official. It wouldn't be good, and with another official to replace that one, Aria would have just the smallest bit of trouble handling and making sure that everything is perfectly flawless in the change of command. With the Blood Pack moving around and weakened, the Suns would have a field day, making even more trouble for the queen of Omega. The already sour relationship between the two gangs would get worse without Aria's figureheads talking to one another. He tapped onto his computer again, looking up the feeds in Afterlife. With the information of the document, as well as the Omni-tool it was assigned to be delivered to, Tar sent a message to the recipient of the original message. He could easly find out who exactly it was, but he needed to make sure that they were listening. [i][color=0054a6]Tap your glass twice."[/color][/i] he sent the message to her Omni-tool, his unseen eyes focusing on each of the video feeds carefully to see who would move.