[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/e9aae8be47c0f4081947b4f622776932/tumblr_navp82zvaB1r0rnczo6_r1_250.gif[/img] [h1][color=87C17C]Carmen Latham[/color][/h1][h2]~The Party~[/h2][/center] Carmen listened intently to what he had to say. She quickly committed the bit of information to memory so as to not make the mistake of being under informed again. She also made a mental note to keep her things safe. The fact that there were campers here who were basically thieves scared her a bit. What other kinds of bad people were here? Would she have to live here constantly watching her back? How did the kids get along here? The shy girl thought back to her previous experience with kids her age. It made her regret leaving her home. However, the male's demeanor softened a bit as he offered to help her. Carmen gave a tense, but grateful smile. "If it isn't too much trouble." Perhaps this guy wasn't too bad. Maybe he was a nice guy once you got to know him. The pale female sure hoped so. It would be nice to make a friend right off the bat. The flowery girl picked up her remaining things, struggling a bit at first to keep her grip on it before finally adjusting. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, or how to say it. Finally she spit it out. "My mother is Demeter." She was surprised he got it right. Was it that obvious? Carmen followed this stranger in awkward silence for a bit before realizing she hasn't even introduced herself yet! Was it too late? She bit her lip nervously, unsure if she should just throw it out there. After all he hasn't introduced himself either. Deciding that since the lack of action was mutual, there was no harm in bringing it up now. "Um, my name's Carmen Latham by the way," She smiled sheepishly hoping he'd introduce himself as well to avoid any confusion and general uncomfortableness. [hr] [Center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/5b2c4066abba2e421f0fde3b34267289/tumblr_nhmdej9RCv1subvnlo1_500.gif[/img] [h1][color=goldenrod]Kiran Khanna[/color][/h1] [h2]The Party[/h2][/center] Arianna was already clearly inebriated. Well, then again that was no surprise coming from the daughter of the wine god. Glancing over at the mass of campers drinking as much alcohol as they can physically stomach, Kiran decided that tomorrow, many people were going to be visiting the infirmary for some ibuprofen or Tylenol. Dreams were very vivid and many time prophetic for demigods. The fact that Kiran was in Arianna's dream was a bit surprising, but it could mean a lot or it could mean absolutely nothing. The sunny girl grinned at her stumbling friend. "That must have been some dream," She joked. When the DJ started laying on the compliments was when Kiran knew she wanted something. She was a bit suspicious at first, but after being told to simply grab some more alcohol, she relaxed. "Sure no problem," The half Indian girl replied, giggling. She took the empty bottle, nearly dropping it when Arianna dropped it so suddenly. Kiran stood dumbly as a ridiculous hat was plopped onto her head. She reached up with her free hand to touch it before bursting into giggles. "Thanks Arianna," The amused girl laughed. "I knew something was missing," Kiran worked her was around her fellow relatives to reach the nearest alcohol dispenser. The daughter of Apollo didn't drink as often as many of the other campers, and for a valid reason too. She usually only drank during social situations like these, but [i]after[/i] social situations like these, there had to be the one to distribute pain relievers. It was kinda funny to the girl who could control light, that it was [i]her[/i] handing out drugs to kids who were in pain from the sunlight. Nonetheless, a little bit of beer never hurt anybody. So after filling her drunken friend's bottle, she grabbed a red solo cup and filled it about halfway full. As the bubbly girl took a sip of the burning liquid, she spotted Erin along with Jericho and a new kid Kiran hadn't met yet. And while the friendly girl hated not knowing someone, she had a mission to accomplish. Besides it looked like there was a bit of competition over there, and she didn't want to walk in on that. Carefully, Kiran weaved her way through the crowd occasionally stopping to wave at someone or say "Hi,". When she finally returned to her party loving friend, a little bit of beer had spilt onto her clothes. Sighing, Kiran ignored it. There was nothing she could do at the moment, but when she got the chance, she'd have to change. The alcohol smelling girl nudged her friend to grab her attention. Then she held out the beer filled bottle to be taken.