Ben usually was all for places like this. Wine, people, and song in one place were his kind of place. Everyone would come to a bar like this. It was so much fun to get whatever you wanted. The day had been going so well before all of this. He had woken up with his last one night stand. Some random gang member had been his last conquest. Ben really could not remember much of the night but he had thought that it had been a good night. It was not easy to remember all of them considering how long he had been here. Course that had been the morning. Currently he was sporting a few new bruises from a fight earlier in the day. He had bet a good deal of credits that he could beat up a turien and he had managed to do it. It had been extremely difficult but he felt great now. He figured that bruises would look good for his "interview". So now he was walking into Afterlife and for once it was not to pick someone up or get in a fight. Ben grabbed one of the dancers. The guy was not his type but Ben needed to scope out the area before he did anything else. Ben might not be the brightest in the room but he knew to never approach a contact first. He only had his pistol right now.