[img]http://www.gamesht.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Daniel-Bruhl-in-2013.jpg[/img] Name: James "Michael" Nosnah Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Vampire House: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/Cottage_Duck_Island_London.jpg[/img] Skills/abilities/traits: All the basic vampire abilities. Hand to hand combat seems to be his main source of power. His strength, speed, stamina, and durability being way pass the average for your everyday vampire. History/Backstory: Born in a small village in Wallchia with his grandfather and Grandmother who both worked as bakers,His first encounter with a vampire was when he was going chores for his grandparents seeing the vampire that would later turn him feeding on the blood of a young man. He meet this vampire later a few weeks after this encounter being turned on the second meeting,James at first hating his new life with his creator named Urian but soon got use to it.He was then sent to a high school for people like him by Urian to be given a education which he wouldn't have gotten if he stayed with his grandparents. Other: James is standing at 5'11.