[h2]Sapphire Rode - Airdocks[/h2] Sapphire smiled triumphantly as she saw the edge of the cliff turn to mud and begin to destabilize all around Ebon trapping him in the mud. This quickly turned to disgust as Gren grabbed the arrogant child by the Kingdom and tossed him free of the collapsing dirt as a small chunk of the cliff went crashing into the waters below. He was wrong though. Sapphire knew she had far more violent impulses than was healthy but it was far from the way she relieved her distress. She'd attacked Ebon because, for lack of a better way to describe it, he gave off an unnerving air. Something about the way he had been staring at her had caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. She'd approached him with weapons drawn and the feeling had vanished almost instantly. Sapphire felt certain the feeling came from him though no reason to assume so and no evidence to support herself. Just a bad feeling. The smile reappeared on Sapphire's face when Gren pointed his weapon directly into Ebon's face and berated him for his idiotic behavior. The boy cursed and stormed away from the rapidly growing group of people. She watched him depart with satisfaction until a hand touched her shoulder. For a brief moment Sapphire was tempted to lash out. To grab her weapon and slash at anyone that would touch her, anyone that would try to hurt her. Her muscles twitched towards the daggers strapped to her arms but just as quickly as it came the impulse subsided. She was at Beacon, she was safe, no one here wanted to add to her many scars, some of which just peaked out of the tank top she had on. It was just Abel. Nonetheless Sapphire didn't like people touching her. She shrugged his hand off her body. "Don't touch me." she said her voice a harsh whisper as sharp as a knife and filled with venom. Mentally she reminded herself to have an insulated coat ordered. The thought of Abel's electric semblance was one of the only things that had kept her from stabbing him when he'd surprised her. Sapphire looked at all the people standing around with worry and concern etched into there faces. Her eyes darted to the people that had attempted to intervene "You're right Sepia... this is [i]none of your business[/i], and you" she said turning to Delta "Keep your Brownie on a leash." Sapphire sheathed her weapons and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Gren, I appreciate your high handed attempt to defend my honor or my person or whatever the hell that was but I don't need anyone to finish my battles for me. That was [i]my[/i] fight and I had it handled." She glanced around at everyone who were all deathly silent. "Weren't we planning on having a night on the town?" she said looking at everyone's faces. "Or is that off the table now?"