At last, the announcement for this tournament to began had been sounded. Norvandell readied himself for the fight. However, unfortunately, he was not chosen for the first match. It was the swordswoman and the rogue instead. What a pity. Still, he supposed he could use this time to watch the two slice each other to pieces. Perhaps even learn a few things himself. There was a mirror displaying the coliseum in real-time as well, which made things quite convenient. After the two entered the portals into the coliseum, however, the ridiculous-looking barbarian decided to lower everyone's standards of him even lower than the ground by speaking gibberish that was apparently supposed to be some language similar to Norvandell's. While Norvandell did somehow manage to understand him, he wished he didn't. [i]I'm not getting paid enough for this,[/i] Norvandell thought. [i]Hell, I'm not even getting paid at all![/i] Considering the appearance of the barbarian, though, he supposed he could respect the man as a warrior. Just not as or for anything else.