An announcement for you all. After some contemplation, I have finally determined the precise ending of The Twelve Labours, and the contest's ultimate fate beyond its current run. As I have hinted at, once all Twelve Labours have concluded there will be a Final Hazard. Rather than restricting this to only those who won every single Labour - because both [@WiseDragonGirl] and [@Holmishire] are going to be dethroned in challenge Eight (I DARE YOU) in any case and a participant pool of two makes for poor sport. Instead, simply, anybody may join the Final Hazard. However, the nature of that Labour will make even these twelve seem paltry in comparison. You will all fail, many many times - but that will be ok, because for every individual victory and challenge accolade you have earned, you get to carry on. Everyone will receive one free life no matter what, but there are a potential twenty four additional lives that can be handed out to any given individual. In the case of TTL: 1, simply having won any of the bonus challenges will count for the purposes of having earned a Challenge Accolade. Although this predisposes long-running contestants for success, it is entirely possible that a newcomer with only one life might be able to succeed - due possibly, in part, to the fact that the Final Hazard will be at least partially collaborative in nature. Finally, after the Final Hazard, the Twelve Labours will restart over from the First - with a brand new Twelve Challenges - and work its way up to the Final Hazard again. I make this announcement in the knowing that with November and December rising, guild activity as well as contest participation is going to drop drastically. This may well be my last official contest announcement of this year, and Labour number Six may not come around until February. We'll have to wait and see on that front. That is all. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask - and as always, feel free to engage in idle chatter. EDIT: Also spoke with Mahz, TTL: 4 and 5 trophies will both be assigned simultaneously. Winners can expect them any day now.