[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/90013862/Alexia.jpg[/img][/center] Alexia let out a small breath of relief as their encounter with the guards didn't escalate into anything more serious... she had gotten concerned when her traveling companions seemed to get into overly hostile stances, though the guards certainly didn't help matters. Still... as she saw the men hurrying away her violet eyes looked at them with a troubled expression. The men were fearful of what was out there, defending their land as they could from the darkness that gripped Las Morgues so they didn't seem to partake in the darkness. For such men to renounce faith and the good powers, to look upon the group and find dark mirth in them was concerning. It hinted at lost hope, shattered expectations. Perhaps this road had carried travelers like them, people who would rise against evil who had yet failed. It was a sobering and troubling thought... however, the Demon Hunter couldn't let it stop her. She'd just have to be more careful... to thread her path with respect for the evil that lies here even as she sets about bringing it down [color=a187be][b]"Well, seems like we have a destination... let us not tarry in the darkness"[/b][/color] says Alexia, looking at the Church as she resumes walking towards it.