I'll post after I know if this is accepted or not. [@Punished Homura] [hider]Name: Rivard verse Scale: The Rivard Verse is currently at an official peace. Though behind the scenes there's quite a bit of conflict between Cyano and her brothers, Absolis(yes, a character is the true origin) and Saber. Setting: The Rivard verse is highly advanced, first and foremost. Magic does exist, and has for a while. However technology advanced to the point that the two were indistinguishable, with magic even being considered obsolete in most of the universe. Cloning has been mastered, however due to the potential for abuse it has been outlawed. That does not prevent illegal cloning, and research is still being done, which allows companies like conablum labs to bypass the ban. Within the universe there are a number of factions. The most prominent is Conablum labs, being the most widespread and being the most far reaching. The second largest being the Rivard family. The ruling family. The king being Absolis Rivard and his brother Saber Rivard serving as an unofficial advisor. Other groups include the space pirates,which have the major characters of Captain Robo Pirate Beard, Silver, and kolon. (I can go into more detail, though it's unlikely any of these characters will show up). History: about 200 years frim Power scaling: The Rivard verse does not change much when entered. Except for one thing. The moment something becomes brain dead, it is somewhat sent into an area known as the "deadland". Upon entering, a person is reduced to half their strength. From then, three things can happen. One can stay there, drag themselves out by finding a resident to bring them back. Though good residents will always refuse, while bad ones wont do it without a fight. [/hider]