[center][h2]Hypori[/h2][/center] [hider=background info for post] [b]Krayt/ Rancor Squad, deep in CIS territory[/b] The humm of the LAAT was oddly comforting to the clones aboard, obviously apparent by their relaxed demenor, with some feild stripping their weapons to check the components, while others checked and rechecked their explosives supplies, one was even dozeing at the back of thransport. Even Krayt settled in for a little while, it wasnt very often the commander got the opportunity to relax and he took it in his own way, zeroing in his blaster rifle's sights to within a few degrees of perfect, it was an odd way to relax but it was his. "ETA in less than 10, get set for your drop" The pilot's voice rang out from the front of the craft, initiateing a sudden movement from the clones. Each begai grabbing their gear, slinging packs onto their backs and secureing their extra ammunition. It was a pretty smooth affair, with even the member of Rancor that had been napping in the back of the LAAT takeing his place within a matter of moments behind the rest. With a slight turn, Krayt slung his rifle to rest next to his launcher on his back, his voice framed by the sound of the blast sheilds snapping shut in prepertion for the landing [color=00aeef]"You all know the mission, we get in, we take down the clanker's grid and we get out. From what limited intel we have on the area, it shouldnt be to much of a -"[/color] A resounding boom shook the gunship, cutting the commander off. As more booms echoed through the frame the pilot sent the LAAT into deep banking turns in an attempt to break the lock of whatever it was was targeting them. For a moment it seemed to be woring, as the explotions detonated around them, missing the ship. That was, till the right door came off in a firey boom, which shredded the wing and sent the gunship into a flat deathspin. Gripping the handholds for dear life, most of the clone gritted their teeth while the others yelled defiently at the force that wished to rip them out into the night air. For most this defient, last hope attempt worked, but as was always the case not all were so lucky as one of the younger members of the squad was sent careening out into the dark. His last cry, eing asnwered by the rumble of the ground rushing to meet the dieing craft. Snd meet it it did, with the former gunship hitting on its flat bottem and bouncing, momentum lerching it to the side as it landed on its only remaining good wing. It spun along the ground as thewing sheered off and dug into the hard packed dirt, helping to finally slow the craft to a halt. When the dudt settled it seemed no sings of life could be spotted from the tangled mess of smoke and debris. But ageinst all odds figures emerged from what was once the hold, some standing, others being carried or dragged but all limping twoards an out cropping of rocks on to far from the crash. Upo reaching the rocks all the clones slumped down and begain to tend to the wounded as best they could and with a groan Krayt joined them. [color=0072bc]"Sound off, who's not dead?"[/color] he asked, his voice a scratchy mess from his dry throat. But still a few members of Rancor responded, soft maons eminating form the iafter scanning the horision for njured. With a satisfied nod Krayt flipped his veiw-finder on his helmet down and lurched himself onto the large rock he was leaning ageinst. After scanning the horison for a bit, he stopped [color=0072bc]"Well ill be. Alright men -urrgh- breaks ove, get any explosives we have left and get me a com tothe general. I have some news for 'im [/color][/hider]