[b]“Oh, and -by the way- , it really wasn’t that ‘experimental’! I met some asari chick down in the slums who was willing to do it first time, no questions asked, so before you go running your mouth off about how much you do for me, why don’t you just-” [/b] [i]Yawn.[/i] [b]“Yo, we still on for tonight? Sick, man. Yeah, I got the sand, don’t worry. Same place as last ti-” [/b] [i]Dull.[/i] [b]“Keep your eyes open, Kuruck. The big man thinks the Suns are gonna try something.” [/b] [i] Helloooo, sexy![/i] The woman’s fingers glided over the holographic interface of her Omni-Tool, pressing down on its glowing orange buttons and panels. She isolated the call she’d been tracing, zooming in and pinpointing its point of origin. [b]“I dunno what, you varren-fucker. When was the last time the guys at the top filled us in? Just quit your bitching and report back anything unusual. Jormul, out.” [/b] Laura Kaelin grinned to herself, slouching back across her lush red booth. The murmur of chatter and roaring of music hit her like a fist as she unplugged her headphones, but she was in too good of a mood to care. Swatting a strand of red hair out of her vision, she pulled down her black bowler so that its brim obscured her finner features, before digging through the ribbons of data which were flooding through her Omni-Tool, in search of any mention of a job regarding the Blood Pack. [i]Bingo[/i]. She zoned in on the document in question [i]How shall I spin this one?[/i] There was always the opportunity to tip off the Blood Pack and see what that might earn her, but she had her own personal vendetta to settle with them. [i]Am I really gonna start letting feelings compromise a job?[/i] She pondered that thought for a moment. [i]Yes, I am[/i]. Laura typed like a maniac, tapping away at her Omni-tool, quickly composing the transmission in the relative quiet of her booth. [b]How many credits are we talking?- L[/b] And [b]send[/b].