Of all the places in the whole damn galaxy, how did he end up here? Jason sat looking over the railing near the entrance to Afterlife. His last job was supposed to be a simple escort. Get a sleazy black arms dealer to Omega and then get a nice payment. No real danger just look tough and no one messes with you. Unfortunately once arriving here the dealer found he didn’t have the promised credits, but instead a YMIR mech ready to attack. The others that were hired didn’t last long, by Jason was able to take down the mech and had his pistol kindly explain to the arms dealer what happens when you cross him. But now he was left on this rock with no way off. He was low on funds and this job was supposed to bring them back up. The only upside was the fact that jobs weren’t hard to come by on Omega, especially for someone with his skills. And sure enough just as he was contemplating what to do his omni-tool lit up with a message. With a sigh he opened up the message. [Color=darkgreen]”Alright, let’s get this over with.” “Hello soldier I heard about your encounter earlier yadda yadda could use a man of your skill blah blah I need you to meet up with a selected group and take down a Blood Pack official. Meeting place is Afterlife”[/color] An assassination job? Those didn’t sit well with Jason normally, but desperate times and all that. Pushing himself off the rails he headed into Afterlife.