[img]http://natocouncil.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/espionage1.jpg[/img] You've been lied to; cheated; swindled. Your organization, or in some cases your entire government, has betrayed you. You used to work for an underground "Intelligence Gathering" organization, but someone in the public found them out, so now you've been kicked to the curb. Identity: deleted. Funds: closed off. Now you have only what's on your person and some contacts you made along the way. Now, for one reason or another, you're in Australia. You've dug in the safehouse lists of one secret agency or another and have all found one in Point Boston, South Australia. At this point, you're just travelling to your new safehouse, unaware of the other agents from around the world who have also found this unused safehouse. There's something stirring in Australia, but right now, your own safety is more important. [hider=CS Skeleton] Name: Gender: Age: Former Agency: (Real or fake. Please provide Name, common abbreviation(s) for it, its country of origin, and publicly known purpose) Specialty: (Stealth, assassination, sniping, heavy weapons, gadgetry, computer hacking, etc) Background: (at least state how your agency kicked you out or was buried) [/hider]