Two new messages, the first being the one from Tar. In response, Sicari got up and made her way to the bar, as she hadn't ordered a drink to begin with. She noticed Ben on the way to the counter and detoured to him, checking the human with her shoulder to get his attention, then speaking, barely loud enough for him to hear over the bass from the amplifiers scattered throughout the club. [color=darkred]"Left booth, Aria's Shadow."[/color] She was referring to the three enclosures that were directly under T'Loak's 'throne,' as far back as you could get in the club if you weren't on her payroll. As she continued towards the bar, Sasesesa came into view. [color=darkred]'Too alert to be here at this hour, must be one of the others that got the message.'[/color] She came up next to the Asari and ordered a drink, a simple glass of Turian Brandy. [color=darkred]"I know who you are. You'll find me in the back."[/color] With that, the busy Turian kept moving, holding her drink and using a single, free finger to reply to 'L.' [color=darkred][b]enough. too risky for messages. aria's shadow. -S.[/b][/color] While she's normally a stickler for proper grammar, she wasn't about to continuously hit the Caps Lock button with only a stand-alone finger to do so. Sitting down once again, she set the glass down and tapped the side twice, her talon managing to produce a very serene sound when coming into contact with the object. All that was left to do now was wait.