[color=00a651][i][b][center]Gren Orchid[/center][/b][/i][/color] Gren sighed as Ebon left. While he was okay with him leaving, this wasn't exactly how Gren wanted to start their little shindig. [color=00a651]"Oh well. Shit happens."[/color] Sapphire continued to be a problem however, shooting venomous remarks to everyone present. Now this was getting tiresome, and now Gren was going to have to drop the hammer. [color=00a651]"The party is still on, Rode. But if you're going to act like that, you're not much better than Ebon. We're going to head into the city to have fun and get to know one another. If you're going to keep acting like a paranoid bitch, then maybe this isn't for you."[/color] Gren sheathed his weapon and walked away from Sapphire to meet up with the others. His disposition changed from mildly disappointed to happy once he met with the others. [color=00a651]"Had a bit of an issue with some personalities, but that's dealt with now. Let's get going before the teachers get on our case, eh?"[/color] An airship arrived, which was heading towards the city. [color=00a651]"File in everyone! First place we're going to hit up is the Blue Moon Market. There's lots of things there to check out, and for you thugs something to wet your tongue."[/color] Gren shouted out to everyone as he stepped onto the airship.