[color=0054a6][i]"Good."[/i][/color] Tar thought to himself. His eyes focused on the Turian as she went to go get a drink, talking to a select few others before setting the glass down and tapping it, as was his request. [i][color=0072bc]"She isn't against going out of her way to get something done."[/color][/i] He was smiling underneath his mask. He wasn't the only one after her, but his dive into their backgrounds would commence shortly. He'd need to get a better look at them to find more on the people he'd most likely be working with. [color=0072bc]"Thanks you for the signal."[/color] He started the message to Sicari. However, he grunted as a finger accidentally pressed an extra key. [color=0072bc]"Aria is not my friend, and a person of my appearance is sure to attract attention in Afterlife. Aria will not immediately kill me, but I cannot say the same for others in the club."[/color] He knew well that he was one of the few, if not only Volus on Omega, and his armor would surely get him noticed. [color=0072bc]"Vol clan cannot handle bar fights, especially one that could break out here, but I am watching."[/color]