[@Leidenschaft] Right I'll rectify the weapon, originally I was going to go with Ebony but after re-reading the equipment rule glass made more sense. As for disintegrating the Altmer, a one off thing from the rage over losing his mother. It's not something he's typically capable of, I'll be sure to reign in the power of his spells in future though. I'll look at lightening him up a bit, maybe I'll add a section about working with other soldiers? That seems a bit more like his style, I mean he's not foolhardy and stupid he knows teamwork is essential in war. Kind of like how he defeated the Thalmor commander with the help of his comrades, he's not a lone wolf type but he's not exactly a people person either. Somewhere in between. Err what is the titanpad may I ask? I'm rather new here so I've yet to get all of the language nailed down.