Omega a horrid cesspool of crime, violence, and sin where the wicked thrive and the weak get walked on like stepping stones... a complete snorefest! Krieg had heard about the infamous Omega and all the bloodshed that happened here on a daily bases and jumped at the opportunity to come, I mean what Krogan in their right mind wouldn't? But what does he end up doing, he ends up getting hired by a small time human arms dealer that plays it so safe that the closet thing Krieg seen to action was when he had to toss out the jackass whos Pyjak got its crap on one of the weapon displays. Krieg himself was currently drinking away his frustrations at Afterlife, unfortunately for him everything they had on tap was barely enough to give a Turian a decent buzz little alone a mountain of a Krogan like himself. [color=ed1c24][b]"Damn whelp... grow a quad why don't you..."[/b][/color] He growled under his breath before downing another shot, well a shot to him would of been a full glass for others.. His mind kept drifting back to his current employer, a small pudgy human with such nervous habits that he would probably piss himself at the sound of gun fire. [color=ed1c24][b]"I need a real job, I'm getting a itchy trigger finger again."[/b][/color] He continued as he downed another glass. Just as the bartender layed out another round of shots for him Krieg's Omni-tool lit up, apparently he had got a message. [color=ed1c24][b]"What does the little $#!+ want now..."[/b][/color] He said, expecting it to be his employer, but much to his surprise it was a job offer, it as a rather simple one. Meet up with someone at Afterlife, head out and kill some Blood Pack leader, get paid. A wicked grin crept across Krieg's face as he scanned the message. [color=ed1c24][b]"This is what I have been waiting for."[/b][/color] He said, the blood lust practically gleaming in his eyes. He stood from the bar, downing the last of his shots in a quick series, and turned on his massive heals. [color=ed1c24][b]"Okay, now where is the contact?"[/b][/color] He thought aloud as he scanned for any faces that would look like the assassinating planning sort, which was quite hard seeing as everyone on Omega has that look on their face.