Sort of ignoring the new companion to their slowly confusing growing bunch Sapphira headed onwards into the town hollering back to the companions. [color=00aeef]"I'm gonna go off sell some of this stuff! See you at the inn!"[/color] Subsequently she took off with her cart to the market. Not a lot of players were out and about, she noticed. Probably they either moved past this town or stayed in the Town of Beginnings for the night. After selling most of her stuff to local NPC vendors, she noticed a player sulking about, hood covering the head. Upon closer inspection, she noticed, it was a girl, a cute girl, too, with lovely dishevelled orange hair mostly hidden beneath that hood of hers. Somehow, and Sapphira didn't know how, she felt that the girl was sad. Not a normal sad, no, a depressed, dejected, almost suicidal kind of sad. 'This won't do!', she thought. Such a cute girl shouldn't be that sad. [color=00aeef]"Hey!"[/color] Sapphira poked the girl. [color=00aeef]"What's going on? Why're you sad?"[/color] Her fox ears flicked unconsciously. So annoying!